Chess not Checkers

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Jay would flip backwards dodging arrows from an archer and fireballs from a mage. Once he landed he let out a sigh before barely evading a large punch from a largely built golem like male.

"This is better than I thought it would be"

Jay would swing his blade and precisely aim to cut the golem's arm off but he was met with a clanging noise as a swordsman stepped between him. Jay would push off of the swordsman blade and gain some distance. He'd look at his predicament better and smile.

"An archer, mage, swordsman, tank, beast, assassin, healer, enchanter, berserker, king, queen, and the jester. On top of all that there's father Chess and he's a monster by himself."

As he spoke he'd catch something between his fingers and he'd look to his right. A cloaked figure with a dagger stood there struggling to get out of Jay's grip on their blade.

"Guess I better go on the offensive"

As he said this he'd swiftly decapitate the assassin. Jay would then spin around and toss the body at the swordsman who swung downwards cutting that body in half. Jay had taken that chance to catch him off guard and twist his head 180 degrees and then he'd steal his blade and simply vanish from everyone's sight. Father Chess couldn't help at acknowledge Jay at this moment


As Father Chess yelled out he saw blood splatter all over the walls as the healer died. Jay would rush towards the enchanter as the Tank stepped in front of Jay blocking the blade. The Berserker would then come in and soccer kick Jay away into a wall and smile only to fall to the ground as it's leg fell off. Jay coughed up some blood as he held the blade he stole from the swordsman and it changed into a blade similar to the one he had.

"Double perfection"

As he spoke he vanished from everyone's sight. Father Chess's smile grew wider as the archer, enchanter, and berserkers' heads flew off before being atomized. All that remained was the King, Queen, Jester, and Father Chess. Jay would change the stolen blade into a blade that had a blade hotter than a giant star. He'd then swing that blade as a card got cut in half. The card he cut was none other than the Joker card which placed a sense of worry in him as the card's two halves became clones of the Jester and they'd kick him away simultaneously. Jay would take his hot blade and he'd toss it at the Jester. The real Jester would bend backwards to dodge it only for his head to be cut off. As his head rolled up he could see his clones' heads rolling to and then he'd died with an explosion which caught Jay off guard as the force knocked him straight up just to be smacked down by the King's staff and as he bounced off the ground the Queen would shoot a fireball at him.

"These two are strong"

As he said this he'd spin his body and cut the fireball in half before feeling an intense pain as the King would soccer kick him towards the Queen who casted a water bubble spell to trap Jay in. Jay felt himself drowning but in reaction he'd use his blade to slice clean through the bubble and as he fell he'd toss his extremely hot blade like a boomerang and it'd curve and go across the Queen's eyes causing her to scream out in pain as she held her face. Jay would then catch the blade and quickly block the King's attack. Jay would twist his wrist, parrying the blade, and also open up a chance for him to axe kick the king down into the ground. He'd then throw his hot blade as it stabbed into the King's abdomen and pin him into the ground which caused heat to rise from the ground and boiling hot blood to leave through his eyes and mouth.


Father Chess began feeling intense happiness as his servants turned into some kind of dust. The bodies would vanish and the dust would enter Father Chess's body. Jay would lift the blade out of the ground and he'd spin it in his hand before taking a stance.

"Jay, you truly are the vessel I've been looking for. You even forced me to use my second stage of power which gives me the powers of all my subordinates."

Father Chess would clench his fist as his muscles grew.

"Behold my ultimate power"

Father Chess said right before vanishing from the spot. His entire body wasn't even visible to Jay as the only thing that let him know that Father Chess had moved was that he felt something physically enter his chest and pull back out. As Jay laid there with a hole in his chest  looked at Father Chess swing his arm so fast all the blood came off.

[Preferred Sword]

Jay's sword changed forms into a blade that could heal his wounds but one thing that Jay learned was that the condition of the blades that he created would be based off his condition so since he was so beat up and tired the blade's effect was very slow. It just barely closed the hole in his chest but not enough to help him keep fighting. Father Chess would drag Jay's exhausted body behind him and he'd then crucify Jay against a statue.

"Not even a scream? That's fine. The screams of pain are just the extra goodness I feel from doing this ritual."

As Father Chess spoke he'd begin creating a magic circle made of blood from Jay's body. Jay had no choice but to watch as he decided that the best thing to do is to stay silent and wait for his friends to come.


Eric flips out of the way as giant flames are being shot at him. He'd then absorb those flames and he'd burst off at Arcon and while he does this he'd light and concentrate all his power to his foot and he'd slam his foot into Arcon's side which causes him to go sliding to the side. Eric would then put his hand up as Arcon's tail comes in and slams into his guard which sends Eric flying up before being slammed back down into the ground. Eric was quick in his landing and he'd quickly roll out of the way of Arcon attempting to slam down on top of his body.

"This is tough. Really tough!"

As he says this he's quickly bombarded with punches and kicks that he can barely keep up with. His flames would suddenly burst from his feet as he kicked Arcon's arms away to create an opening. He'd then slam both his feet into Arcon's face and launch off of it while simultaneously tossing compressed fireballs at the dragon "god".

"You put up a good fight against a god Eric Burnes"

Arcon said to Eric as the blows done to his body seemed to do nothing. A single scratch wasn't left on his armored body.

"You've gotta be kidding me!"

Eric said before taking a fighting stance. He'd then unleash more of his power as the ground around him began to melt.

"You're gonna die Eric"

"No I'm not. I have a plan. If this doesn't work then yes. I am gonna die."

"I'll assist you any way I can"

Eric would laugh to himself and nod as he and Arcon launched off one another.

[Circumstantial Evolution]

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