Gotta speed up this process

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     Arden would be rushing through the blood tower realm that he and his allies were occupying. "Jay needs help. I can sense it" Arden said as he leaped off a floating island and diving straight down into what appeared to be a wormhole made of blood.

[No Existence Is Out Of Reach]

     Arden would locate Jay and summon a teleportation talisman which would take him right to Jay who was currently being crucified by Father Chess. Upon seeing the sight before him Arden wouldn't hesitate to spin kick Father Chess into a wall and he'd rub his foot across a part of the magic circle which caused the ritual to be ruined. "Oops. Was that important?" Arden said with a sarcastic tone.

[No Existence Is Out Of Reach]

     Arden would use his ability to lessen Father Chess's existence and he'd proceed to wail on him. Each punch lessened his existence more and more. This barrage of punches lasted for 3 whole minutes and Arden with final punch slammed his fist into the pastor's face which distorted the very dimension they were in. Father Chess would go flying out into the void that encompassed the infinity they were in. "Checkmate" Arden said mockingly in reference to the Father's ability.
     Jay would pry himself off of the statue and he'd limp towards the healing sword he had. He'd then begin healing himself again. "Took you long enough" Jay said with a chuckle. The chuckle caused blood to leave his body as the swordsman laid back. Arden would rub his head and he'd teleport them onto a random floating island. "It's not over yet. Even with my current abilities this guy is on a different level." Arden would take a fighting stance as he looked towards a specific area. Soon the Father appeared in front of them with a maniacal smile on his face.
     "YOU'RE STRONG ARDEN ASTRA AVIAN! PROBABLY THE STRONGEST INDIVIDUAL IN THE FIRST COUPLE MILLION UNIVERSES!" Father Chess would summon a vial that contained a pitch black liquid. "YOU MAY BE STRONG BUT ARE YOU STRONGER THAN THE DEMON KING?!?!" As he said this he'd drink the vial and the land was silenced.

[No Existence Is Out Of Reach]

     Arden eyes's would widen as he grabbed Jay and ran. "I can't fight what's about to come. We have to go Jay. We have to leave" As Arden ran he'd feel something grab his shoulder and sling him away into an island at lightspeed. Arden would cough up blood as he gasped for air.
"Running isn't the solution to your fear. Fearing me is eternal. The blood of a demon king has been drunk and the abilities I once had have been enhanced. I've also gained more abilities." The individual that Arden saw did not look like Father Chess. He had a more slender build and he didn't have on a religious battle suit like Father Chess did. He wore only pitch black baggy pants made from some kind of material. His hair was blood red and tied up so it would get into his eyes. The horns he now had matched his pants as well as his eyes. No darkness could be seen in those eyes of his. Even with the white pupils the darkness still could be seen almost as if his eyes were a gateway to his pitch black soul that captured light itself. As he approached Arden his long red tail swung around until the tip of the tail which resembled that of a heart could be seen.
"This new power of mine turned me into a demon king. Not just any demon king but the demon king. I am The Devil. My name is Blood. Blood The Devil...." With his name now announced he'd lean down towards Arden's face and he'd pluck his forward which knocked Arden away from Jay who was in fact just regaining consciousness. "Rise and shine my little vessel. I don't really care about reviving my god but instead I would rather become a god instead. This process will be quick and doesn't require any time to do. I simply have to eat whatever part of you holds your god cells." As he said this, Blood would begin looking into Jay's entire being but couldn't find the "god cells" he was looking for. He then smiled as he learned where it was coming from. With no words he just began to float away back to the building that he was in but he would be stopped before leaving the island's vicinity. Arden had returned to help his friend and his first attempt at a rescue would be to swing at Blood.

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