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"So let me get this straight. You want us to fight the bishops of the blood church and while we do that you want Jay to fight the pastor." Eric said confused as to what the plan was. "You, my friend, have lost it. Jay is the weakest of the 4 of us. He's gonna end up dying if we don't get him to a high enough level in time" The male said which kinda hurt Jay's pride slightly but he knew it was true. He couldn't fight the guardian and he didn't even hold out against Isaac who was many times stronger than the guardian was.
     "The best solution for this group is to stronger. All of you......Well almost all of you are weaker than me." Isaac said looking towards Arden who was writing unknown symbols on paper rather than listening. "The weakest bishop is worth at least 5 of me while the strongest is worth around 100. Father Chess is as strong as an army of 1 million of me. His divine blessing allows him to become stronger and stronger the longer he lives. Every second that passes causes his power to grow so we need to get everyone able to fight a bishop at the very least." Isaac was very serious with this whole thing. His mind was on something else but nobody in the group could tell what it was. Seemed as though Isaac had other reasons to destroy the blood church rather than just not agreeing with their ideals.
     Jay began to think about fighting of a superior being combat. The mere thought of a fight causes Jay to gain an unnatural excitement. He stood up and smiled before walking outside. Isaac couldn't help but be curious as to where Jay was going. "What's up with Jay?" Isaac asked as Jay closed the door behind him. Eric rubbed his head and leg out a sigh. "To put it pretty simply he's excited to fight against adversity." Eric said as his arm turned into that of demons.

[Circumstantial Evolution]

Eric used his ability to evolve the flames that held memories. "Jay has always been the type to fight against adversity. He's been overcoming adversity for so long it has become an addiction in a way." As Eric spoke the flames began to show images of the past. Years into the past that was during the meeting of Arden, Eric, and Jay.
"Had enough hero? We can do this all day!" A kid with small horns said before punching a younger Jay in the face. Blood splatted onto the grassy field which pissed Jay off so he launched his head forward head-butting the individual in the teeth. "Don't defile this land." As he said this with a proud tone he looked to see nothing but blood gushing out onto the grass. "Oh dang! I am so screwed!" While this happened, a younger Eric and Arden heard loud sounds and saw Jay standing on top of a kid triumphantly. They walked over in a hurry. "Hey! Get away from that kid!" Eric said as he began running towards Jay right before jump kicking Jay in the face which knocked Jay out cold.
"You're suppose to let them answer before kicking them Eric." Arden said as he made it over there. "Also you got the wrong guy. Look at this guy's knuckles compared to the other guy's. They are bruised due to having impact while the other guy who you knocked out doesn't have any blood on his fists. Also the one you knocked out has more bruises then this guy meaning you beat up the good guy." Eric looked at the unconscious Jay then back at the horned kid. He repeated this a few times before walking over to the horned kid and slapping the unconscious kid. "Don't bully others." Arden just stood there with his hands in his pocket while Eric walked over to Jay and picked him up.
Eventually Jay woke up against next to a tree in a forest. "Awwww nature really is beautiful. I should get back to that field to clean up the blood." As Jay said this he stood up and took a singular step only to trip over his own foot falling face first into mud. "Look! Arden! He fell!" Eric said before laughing meanwhile Arden just went back to reading his book on physics.
The images faded as the flame disappeared. "If you didn't notice from that little snippet, Jay is outrageously imperfect. As a kid he was always messing up and when we attempted to find something he was good at he failed at it. The only thing he was even decent at was fighting but he wasn't amazing." As Eric said this he went ahead to recall a few fights Jay had. "Now that I think about it, Jay was under average as a fighter so he still wasn't good at that. The point is that Jay is the example of not good at anything."
     Isaac was confused and worried. Eric wasn't making sense. None at all. "How is he gonna be useful if he's so useless at everything!!! Do you really think he can win against someone over a million times more powerful than a bishop?!" Nothing but silence was present. A quick halt in movement and feeling between Eric and Isaac made itself known to the atmosphere while Arden continued writing on what appeared to be talismans. Eric then walked over to a chair. "Isaac what is your idea of perfection?" Eric said as he sat in the chair made entirely of wood.
While all of this was happening Jay was off preparing himself. To gain more power Jay needed to apply more effort. He'd stand in front of a large tree that seemed to expand as wide as the forest it resided in. This forest seemed to reject the idea of distance as Jay could reach out to the tree but never touch it despite having a bigger shape then where it was rooted. "Alright time for a bit of recap" As Jay said this he'd draw his sword and hold it tightly with both hands. "This is a sword. It is sharp and it cuts things. A sword will always be a sword if it is shaped like this blade I have in my hand. No matter what ability the sword has it can still cut things. This tree on the other hand is not a sword. It does not cut, is not sharp, and it is not shaped like the blade in my hand." Jay then smiled as he looked to the top of the tree and saw that a piece of a stick was wedged in the dead center of the horizon. "I stand corrected" The swordsman began his preparations into developing a stronger blade.

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