Chapter 2

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   45 hours .  That's how long it took to get to Washington State from Virginia .

A lot of hours, almost two days, and they had to stay over in motels because they couldn't just sleep on the road . Even if she could take over the driving from Charlie.

It was a mostly boring drive because Charlie Swan was more silent than he was talking .

Alexandra didn't mind. She understood that her Uncle wasn't​ a very vocal guy .

Forks was a surprise to her. She'd never been there . She would've thought that growing up a little less than four hours away would make it easier for a visit, but it clearly wasn't from her parents perspective.

There were more trees in Forks than in the whole Mystic Falls. It was no wonder the town did good with its logging businesses .

The house of her Uncle Charlie were a small two story house with three small bedrooms and one bathroom . The kitchen and living room spaces weren't so big either . Alexandra kind of loved it .

Her room was the last door on the other side of the small bathroom .

It had light blue walls and bubblegum pink curtains and bedspread.

The furniture weren't crowding her room . She only had a bed ,a nightstand ,a desk and a dresser  .She liked it . All she needed was to spruce it up a bit with her own things .

Through her bay window she could see the rain falling down on the mossy grass growing on the side of the house .

Rain . That was something she'd have to get used to since it seemed to be almost constant in Forks.

Nobody had been at home when they'd arrived earlier that day . Uncle Charlie had told her that Bella was probably with her boyfriend and his family and would come home later that evening.

Uncle Charlie didn't seem to like them much . Especially the boyfriend . Alexandra couldn't grasp the reason why .

She unpacked and settled in while trying not to think about the life she'd left behind .

When she'd arrived earlier she'd send Elena and Jeremy each a text to tell them that she'd arrived safely . She'd asked Elena to tell their friends that too . Now she just wanted to forget and only think of her new life in Forks . It wasn't a sin ,right?.

The room looked a bit more or less a hundred percent better when she's finished unpacking.

She was just putting away her last sweater when her Uncle knocked on her open door .

" If you're done here you and I can go have dinner at our local diner. Cora, the owner , had been wanting to meet you since I told her I'd be having another girl living in my house ".

A small smile appeared on Alexandra's soft pink  lips . Her Uncle seemed so excited to having her stay with him.

" Okay , Uncle Charlie, I'll just get my raincoat  . Is it cold outside? . Should I get a warm sweater?".

Her Uncle smiled back. " Just for in case should you feel cold . It's raining out there ", he said that with a wave of his hand in the direction of the window ," You'll get used to Forks' weather . Bella eventually did ".
Her  smile broadened . " I'm sure I will ,Uncle",  she said .
The diner was crowded with old people and small families .

It looked like a typical small town diner and didn't even nearly resemble the Mystic Grill that had been more than just a simple old diner.

Strangely enough , Alexandra didn't mind this small diner . Her new life didn't need a big old pool table or a dartboard . Or even Matt Donovan in his waiter outfit .

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