Chapter 28

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She didn't leave . Stefan convinced her to stay in Forks . He said that she needed to stay for her Uncle's sake , but she was sure that he  really wanted her to stay for Carlisle's sake .

So she stayed and  her Uncle seemed quite happy that he wasn't going to be without his little friend Gray .

Her Uncle really loved the boy . Maybe because he's named after him and his two brothers.

Gray became bigger . He looked like he was two now and he was far more clever than a two year old .

Charlie must've told Bella that she didn't leave and Bella must've told Edward  because he and Alice came to see her about talking to Carlisle again .

But she didn't listen to them . She wasn't interested even if she wanted to see him . She just couldn't give in because if he'd just been there for her throughout her pregnancy , she could forgive him anything .

She ran through the woods on a hunt for something different than a silly bear this time around .

If she could find an Elk or something she'd be good for a week or so . She never really needed much blood to sustain her .

She had just found the trail of a herd of deer when she heard voices  . She knew the voices before she saw the people who they belonged to .

She almost groaned in frustration ,but decided that she needed to get away ,only for them to appear in the direction she'd chosen .

Bella came first . Then Edward , Jonah , Rosalie , Emmett , Carlisle and Alice .

She halted ,staring at them before turning in her tracks to walk away ,only to be blocked off by Emmett .

She glared up at him menacingly ,but he didn't​ budge.

" You know this is our hunting grounds ," Rosalie spoke up .

" Rose , don't ", Jonah warned ," It's fine ."

" No , Rose is right . She hunts our food . Live in our territory while she's being mean to Carlisle ", Emmett defended his wife who smiled smugly .

" Oh , well, then maybe I should leave and start hunting poor innocent humans . Would that satisfy you ?. Then you can have all the animals for yourself . Ugh, I shouldn't have listened to Stefan when he tried to convince me to stay . Anyway , I'll go find myself a nice snack . Maybe Mike Newton is game ".

She made to push past Emmett ,but Carlisle and Bella called out her name in sync . Bella just used the shortened part .

Then Bella continued " You can't ,Alex . The Wolves will come after you ".

Alexandra glared at her ." So , your plan is to have me starve then ,huh?. Well, congratulations , I'm impressed. Unfortunately, for you , I don't give a damn what you say or think . Go ahead . Hunt your animals . Just don't come crying to me because I found something else to eat . Have a great day ".

With that she walked past Emmett ,but he grabbed her arm and she found herself growing incredibly angry and before she knew it ,she punched an arm through his chest to grab his frozen heart , unfreezing it and making it beat again .

" Just one wrong move ,Cullen, and you'll be dead . Feel that ?. Your hearts beating isn't it now ?. And what happens if I pull it out ?. Or ,say, crush it ? . Unhand me ,Cullen, or I swear I'll kill you . "

Nobody moved in fear that she'd really kill him and Emmett stared at her in shock . He pulled his hand away and stepped back , feeling relieved when her hand slid out and strangely full of blood .

" Good choice ," she said before walking away .

" Carlisle ,we can't have her hunting humans ", Edward remarked .

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