Chapter 17

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She laid with her head on his chest ,his hand absentmindedly playing with a strand of her hair .

She was half asleep because his hand in her hair was soothing in a way . Even when it was cold , she didn't really feel it because he didn't touch her skin.

They didn't speak . Not because they didn't want to ,but because they didn't feel the need to . They were comfortable with each other like this , speaking would make noise and disturb their peaceful togetherness.

It was the sound of the others returning from the party that caused him to get up and in return she grumbled and groaned  because he was clearly leaving.

" I'll see you tomorrow ", he promised as he picked up his discarded jacket .

He'd only taken that off earlier after their kiss, when she'd asked him to stay ,when it looked like that he was going to leave .

" Okay ", she said ,but sounded like she didn't believe him .

He disappeared through her window and she , already too tired to stay awake ,fell asleep instantaneously , ignoring the fact that some of her friends would be able to smell him on her and her room.

She didn't reckon her sister into that equation . She only thought of Stefan and Damon.

She was asleep when Bonnie and Elena got into her bed that was thankfully not too small for three slim girls ,of which two were short and the other only an inch or two taller .

It was Elena who smelled him first and frowned because she didn't know what her sister had been doing with the Cullen doctor .

She didn't tell Bonnie , because Bonnie fell asleep the moment she lay down . She decided to ask the doctor when she sees him again .

He'd have a lot to answer for .
It was cold and Alexandra hated it when she were dragged along to the training of all the people that'd  be involved with killing the newborn army.

She reasoned that she wasn't going to fight them ,so why should she go to the training ?.

Nobody gave her a satisfying answer as they piled her into Elena's car , driving off with her while she was only half awake .

She grumbled all the way about unreasonable people that wouldn't leave her alone to sleep in after not sleeping in for the past school year ,that was thankfully at an end .

They parked beside Emmett's jeep when they reached the place the training would be taking place .

Alexandra grumbled and groaned when she was pulled out of the car by Jeremy ,who was allowed to participate in this endeavour .

Bella was already there when they arrive , wrapped​ up in Edward's arms .

She didn't seem to be happy when she saw her cousins and their friends walking over to her and the Cullens. Especially when Alexandra walked over to Carlisle who immediately wrapped his arms around her .

She didn't know what was going on with them ,but she didn't like it . Not even a little bit.

Alexandra , however, ignored the stares she got from walking into Carlisle's arms as if it was the most normal thing for her to do .

It wasn't long ,though, before the Wolves arrived  in wolf form ,no less , from the treeline and took away the attention from her and Carlisle.

" They don't​ trust us in their human form ", Edward said to Carlisle who'd let go of Alexandra to look at the Wolves.

" They came . That's all that matters ", Carlisle replied in his calm sincere voice ," Will you translate ?."

Edward nodded as he and Carlisle slightly stepped forward to look at the Wolves and talk to them.

Bella greeted a russet coloured one that Alexandra recognised as Jacob Black .

Alice smiled at Bella as she took Edward's place beside the brunette .

" Welcome ," Carlisle began ," Jasper has experience with newborns​ ," he added pointing at the curly haired blonde Major ," He'll teach us how to defeat them ."

" They wanna know how the newborns are different than us ", Edward translated .

" They're a great deal stronger than us ", Carlisle explained ," Because their own human blood lingers in their tissues . Our kind is never more physically powerful than in the first several months of this life ".

He nodded to Jasper to take the floor , walking back to Alexandra who he immediately wrapped in his arms again .

Jasper went on explaining how and why a newborn army is created .  He spoke of how only a few is needed to defeat a group larger than themselves , unlike a human army who'd need thousands .

The practice then went on and Alexandra had to give up Carlisle's arms for a few minutes because he needed to practice . But when it was over ,he held her in his arms like he was never letting go .

All the while ,Elena frowned at them with anger inside of her as well as concern for her sweet ,sweet sister who'd seemingly fell in love with a Cold One . Even if said Cold One was not such a bad guy . She just didn't want her sister to get hurt.
She walked with him to his car , holding tightly onto his hand .

" I'm working today ", he said ," I'd have liked to spend more time with you ,but I can't . I'll maybe see you tomorrow ?".

She nodded , reminding herself that it was still early in the day and that of course he'd be working .

" I can ,of course ,drive you home ,if you want . It's on my way ,so ...".

" Um ... that's okay . I don't think Elena would be happy . She's been eyeing us more than she'd watched the training ".

They both looked over to Elena who didn't seem to care that they saw her watching them .

" She's probably concerned for you , Alexandra . She's your sister , remember , and I'm a Vampire ,so, she's probably worried that I'd hurt you".

Alexandra shook her head . " No ,that would make her a hypocrite because she'd dated Stefan and now she's dating Damon and they're both Vampires . It wouldn't be fair on her part to be concerned about me ".

" No ,Alexandra, I would be if I was her . Listen , she's your family and even if it's hypocritical of her to worry , it's just logical . Because she loves you and don't want to see you harmed in any way . Look , we'll talk again soon ,okay ?. I have to go now . Kiss me quick so that I have something to get me through this day ."

She giggled and stood on her tippy toes to give him a kiss . He had to lower himself a bit ,but not by much because of her standing on the tips of her toes.

Before she knew it he was driving away while she watched , wishing she'd taken his offer  to go with him.
Hope you enjoyed. 💀

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