Chapter 10

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" Do you have to go back to Mystic Falls today ?", Alexandra asked her twin while they walked to Elena's car where Jeremy, Bonnie and Stefan was waiting for the sisters to say goodbye to each other.

" Yeah, school's starting again soon and I've been away long enough. Anyway , look after yourself and please take care of Uncle Charlie . He'll need you while Bella's away . It's too bad that we didn't get to meet those Cullens . Maybe they're not so bad as we thought . "

" I will and don't you get into anything supernatural . I don't wanna hear you've gotten yourself killed or something ".

Elena smiled at her . " Same goes for you , Sissy . I'll see you at Christmas ".

They hugged and Elena got into her car . The others said goodbye to Alexandra .

Jeremy almost didn't want to go ,but he knew that he had to . For Elena .

" Take care ,Jer , and don't you get into trouble now . Say hello to Matt for me ,okay?."

Jeremy nodded . He hugged his sister quickly before following Elena . After that it was just Bonnie and Stefan .

Stefan held her for longer than was necessary ,but she didn't complain because he smelled nice and he was like a cuddly teddy bear to her .

" Love you ,k, Lex ?", he murmured softly in her ear ," Be careful and I'll also see you at Christmas ".

She nodded before pulling away to hug Bonnie .

" I'll be coming again for the summer ", Bonnie said ," My Aunt Cora asked me to work with her in the diner . But I'll be here for you too.  Take care ,Alex . I love you ,Sissy ."

Alexandra smiled tearfully at her and pulled back .

She watched them drive off and felt kind of sad because they left .

She thought of saying goodbye to Alaric,Damon and Caroline earlier . It had been hard doing that also   .

These people are her heart's people . Her family . She didn't want them to leave . It was hard for her to know that she'd be alone again with just Bella and Uncle Charlie .
" So Harry Clearwater is okay ?", Alexandra asked her Uncle who nodded in confirmation .

They were sitting in the living room watching random TV shows .

" Your sister's boyfriend saved his life . He was out for maybe thee hours . I kind of thought that he was dead ,but then he awoke and he was fine . "

" That's great news,Uncle . Have you heard anything from Bella yet?. She said she'd call ,but she haven't yet ".

" No, I don't suspect she will . Feel like diner food tonight ?".

Alexandra smiled . " Sure ,Uncle .  I'll just get my coat ".

" You do that . I'll be in the car ."

Alexandra​ only wave at him to tell him that she heard .

Her favourite blood red coat was hung over a chair by her desk . She grabbed it as well as a scarf and a beanie . One can  never know when it gets colder around Forks .
It was a better safe than sorry thing . She'd always choose safe .
Alexandra got out of Bella's truck. She'd driven it to school because Bella had caught a ride with her now once again boyfriend Edward Cullen.

They didn't ask if Alexandra wanted to ride with them too ,but she would've declined anyway . She didn't need their help or anything.

She shut the door behind her and tried to smooth down her dark blue skinny jeans and army green windbreaker .

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