Chapter 27

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She stared at the blood drops in the bathtub .

She'd been scrubbing the taps and had clumsily knocked her hand against one only to get cut .Her hand had healed quickly , but seeing the blood had shocked her.

It was impossible ,to say the least . She wasn't supposed to bleed . Her blood should be frozen seeing that she was the Cullens' kind and not Damon and Stefan's .

Was she an abomination ? . Some kind of mutant Vampire?.

She needed answers and the only place she could get it from was the one place she didn't want to go .

She didn't want to see him . Even if she still had feelings for him . He'd abandoned her and that was all she should remember before making a mistake by going to see him.

No , she'll give Bonnie and Stefan a call and they'd help her figure this absolute weirdness out .

The sound of footfalls on the stairs caused her to look away from the blood drops and listen .

It wasn't her Uncle , of that she was sure and it wasn't her child who'd started walking a few days ago .

No ,she could distinguish from the scent that it was another Cullen .

She groaned inwardly . As if she didn't have enough problems as it is , a Cullen had to come and add to it .

She bend down to wash the blood away . The Cullen didn't need to know about her blood in the bathtub .

She straightened when none other​ than Edward appeared in the doorway .

" Hello,Alex ", he greeted before she could utter a word," I came to have a word with you".

She narrowed her eyes at him . " Go away , Cullen ", she said, walking past him to get out of the confined space of the bathroom.

" Alex , just please listen to me ?", he begged ," I messed up and Carlisle is suffering because of that. He doesn't hunt ,or go to work. He sits in his room mostly , only coming out to check up on Renesmee , but he doesn't even really want to do that . He just do , because he has to . He hates me and he seems to despise Bella now . I caught him thinking of burning himself alive the other day so that he can rid himself of this life . I'm worried . Please just come and talk to him ?."

" Sorry ,no can do , Cullen . I got things to do ,bears to hunt and all that . I don't have time to help out someone that said that I'm not family even when I'm his wife's cousin . And I don't have time to go talk to someone who abandoned me when I needed him the most , so just take yourself and go back to your precious family. Anyway ,you can tell him that I'm leaving tomorrow . He can drop the act of ,and I quote, loving me ".

Edward stared at her . Her mind was a wall now that he couldn't penetrate ,so he couldn't see if she was lying or anything .

If she was leaving ,then it meant game over for Carlisle . He was already so broken. He'd really burn himself alive .

" I really messed up ," he thought regretfully ," It'll be my fault if Carlisle dies ".
" Alex , please . I won't ask anything else ,if only you'd come and talk to him . He really needs you . Come on , I don't want to lose him . He saved me when he didn't have to . Just please , I'll go on my knees and beg if it'll make you feel better . I'll do anything to help Carlisle be happy again ."

"Look , Cullen , I don't care anymore ,okay . I don't have to help you or anyone else . Maybe I should leave today ,so you can all stop pestering me ".

Edward's eyes widened . No , he didn't want her to leave . Carlisle will be killing himself for sure .

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