Chapter 30

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She drank deeply from the water bottle that Carlisle had filled with blood.

There had been no time to be stubborn when she'd caught the smell of it .

She looked better once the blood was in her system . The greyness faded away quickly with each sip ,but the thirst was still too great for her to feel satisfied enough .

It wasn't long before she could drink from the animal they'd caught by herself​ .

She felt better once she didn't have to rely on the Cullens anymore .

She had to hunt three more animals before she was satisfied enough to not go and attack any humans and to the Cullens' surprise the animals that were drained didn't die . Only the one they'd caught .

She felt sorry for it and wondered if she could've done something even though it's neck had been snapped .

She stared at it sadly feeling miserable because it was her fault that it was gone .

If she'd just gone to another state and not stubbornly refused to feed it would've lived .

A gentle hand touching her shoulder startled her out of her thoughts . She looked up to see Carlisle looking at her sympathetically.

She pulled away from him and his face fell ,but he didn't say anything because she'd just say something back that would hurt him. Instead he said " Come , our house isn't​ far . We'll get you cleaned up then we'll talk ".

She folded her arms across her chest , glaring​ at him in defiance. " No thanks . I'm​ going home . Gray's alone and _"

" Grayson's​ at our house . Esme took him there . So don't worry he's fine ," he cut her off.

Her glare became fiercer ." Who gave you the right to make _"

" Alexandra , just shut up and listen ," he cut her off once again and she just stared at him with wide eyes .

His tone had been stern ,but fierce . Meaning that he wasn't​ going to take anymore nonsense from her.

" Look , Your going to get cleaned up and I don't want to hear anything about it anymore . I'm sick and tired of this stubbornness of yours to keep on hating me and everyone else just because we weren't there to help you. Well , we've helped you now , so suck it up and come along ".

She glared at him ,but didn't say a word . He didn't want to hear anything ,so she would respect that until she had her child safe in her arms . Then she'll go back to hating him and ignoring him.
The walk to the Cullens' house wasn't long .

Before Alexandra knew it, she was walking up to the front porch and through the open front door where Bella waited for them with some clothes in her arms .

" Come on , let's get you cleaned up ,Alex".

Alexandra silently followed her and ignored the eyes of the other people that came to gawk at her .

She just wanted to get cleaned so that she could get to her child .

Bella lead her to a bathroom and thankfully left her there so she had some privacy . But not for long because Alice waltzed in to watch her .

She frowned at that because she was sure that she herself had no intention of fleeing without Grayson .

She washed the blood off of her and made sure she was thoroughly clean before grabbing a towel that Alice was holding out to her .

She dried herself off quickly before getting dressed. If she had any familial feelings left for her cousin she would've kissed her for the jeans and T-shirt she'd given her . If she'd been given more extravagant clothes she'd have puked . Literally .

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