Chapter 19

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She finally ate the food that Carlisle brought her later that night .

She was hungry and didn't mind her manners , stuffing her mouth full until Carlisle cautioned her to eat a little slower because he was afraid that she might choke on a bun or something.

After that she tried eating slower ,but hunger made her forget ,so she ate smaller mouthfuls to satisfy him .

After that she lay down wishing that it wasn't so cold and thanking her twin for packing winter gear . 

Carlisle smiled at her as he tucked the folds of the sleeping bag tighter around her .

" Sleep well ", he whispered ," And don't worry I won't leave until you wake ".

She only smiled back, closing her eyes . He lay down a few inches away because he didn't want to freeze her . It was times like these that he wished for a warmer body temperature. He wanted to hold her so badly now ,it hurt .

He listened to the goings-on​ outside the tent.  He could hear Bella's teeth clatter because of the cold .

He eyed his girl , wondering if she was warm enough regardless of those thick layers she was wearing .

Someone came into the tent , causing him to look up . It was Seth Clearwater.

" Doctor Vamp , is she alright ?", he asked .

" Yes ," he said ," But stay in case she needs your body temperature . Did Jacob go check on Bella?".

Seth sat down . " Yeah ,but I'm sure you can hear him and Edward right now . It's silly how they fight over her when she actually needs Jacob right now ".

Carlisle sighed. " Yes, quite silly , actually . Could you touch her nose and feel if it isn't freezing?", he asked, waving a hand towards Alexandra .

Seth nodded and did just that . " She's warm enough . I guess she knew how to pack ,yeah ".

" That's good . And yes , I supposed she knew how to pack".

He listened to Edward and Jacob settling down ,, wondering why they always had to fight over a girl that was stringing one of them along.
Alexandra woke up early , her head on something warm.

She sat up , looking down briefly to see none other than  Seth snoring away on her left side .

She frowned at that , wondering when he'd  come to her tent .

" You were shivering later  last night​ ", Carlisle spoke up , causing her to flinch .

She hadn't expected him to still be there even if he said he would .

" Seth offered to keep you warm seeing as I couldn't ," he continued.

She nodded ,then crawled out of her sleeping bag .

She went over to him to hug him . He hugged her back before pressing his lips against hers ,kissing her passionately , but keeping it child friendly because of Seth . He didn't want the kid to get a heart attack .

When he finally released her he couldn't help but smile at her red cheeks.

" So innocent ,"he whispered teasingly , lifting a hand to touch her face .

She leaned into his hand ,but moved away when Edward peeked through the opening to ask Carlisle to come outside so they could talk.

Carlisle said a quick goodbye to her and crawled over to the tent opening .

She took a deep breath before deciding to pack up her stuff . It wasn't long before Seth woke up and left .
Alexandra stood quietly beside Bella , who occasionally glared at her .

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