Chapter 54

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Sooyaaa couldn't hide her disapproval about my decision. I can only groan because she's acting like I betrayed her. No she's more concern than my parents. I just told her the truth why I haven't shown up yesterday. "I can't believe you did this behind our backs!"

"It already happened. Are you not going to congratulate your bestfriend?" I felt like I am being interrogated in a hot seat surrounded by my friends for several hours. I don't see anything wrong about my decision.

"Wow! This blown me away. But it's kinda fast, ya know?" Seulgi finally spoke she's being torn between agreeing with her own girlfriend or being simply happy of the decision I made with Joohyun.

"Congratulations! I just hope Irene won't screw the relationship you have." Jennie walked away to feed Keenu who was in Seulgi's room. She must be still upset of me.

"That's it? Are you not giving me your blessing?" I asked her.

"Just stay in Keenu's life. Regardless of the set up changed." Jennie ignored me.

"Hey, Jen!" I called out.

"This is just so unexpected Lisayah." Joy massaged her head. "So what happened with you and Wendy? I thought you are both in love."

Jeongyeon hugged me cheerfully, "Gees, I guess congratulations! Whatever makes you happy. I'll support you all out and Hyun unnie." She's genuinely happy for me but trying not to show it as much as possible because most of my friends weren't that please with the news I told them.

"Thanks, at least there's someone who's being supportive with me."

"Don't get us wrong, Buddy." Seulgi handed me a beer. She's sitting across me with her legs crossed. She glanced at her girlfriend and back to me. "We are happy for you and your happiness matters to us a lot. Chubby Bunny is my bestfriend too but you just come back and it took us all by surprise. And just to add we all thought you are going steady with Wendy. Like you finally realized what's best for you and avoid whatever would cause you harm. I've been a LisRene supporter! But that was so highschool and your relationship tends to be toxic at times. You and Joohyun sometimes are like opposing poles that just couldn't meet halfway. But yes love will conquer everything. As your friends we are just being concern. Do you get what I mean?"

"Bear is correct, what would you expect from us? After she hurt you how can you easily forgive Irene? I now really believe she casted some spell on you. The sorcery is just too powerful." Jisoo concluded. "Gosh, you need to have your head check. Like have you gone crazy, Limario?"

"Whoa, whoa that's a bit too much, Sooyaaa. What can I do? I still love her. And making her wait makes me feel uncomfortable too. We are not getting any younger anymore." I defended my actions.

"Whatever! Go and talk to her, Babe. I had enough of Limario's stupidity." Sooyaa walked away and head towards Seulgi's room.

Seulgi just shrugged. "Then what should I do with you? Should I personally talk to Chubby Bunny and congratulate her that I am happy the two of you made up your minds and get back together?" She asked innocently but then a flying pillow hit her face. "Awwwts."

All of us turned to check where the pillow came from. And Sooyaaa was standing at the door. " You are not going anywhere. We already had this talk long time ago. I am not fond of you still associating yourself to that woman. We can't control Lisa's impulse but she'll realize her mistake soon. And onece it all happened again. Don't tell us we didn't warn you." She warned Seulgi and glared on us. My heart sunk seeing how much hatred Sooyaaa has for the person who is so dear to me.

"No, I won't." Seulgi said calmly and raised her hands. After hearing this from her girlfriend. Sooyaa then slammed the door. We all flinched at the sound of it. Sooyoung even shrieked. She's always easily to get nervous the most. For a small girl Sooyaa's really scary. I wonder how Seulgi can handle her girlfriend.

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