Chapter. 25

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Why do I have a bad feeling after I talked with Joohyun? I felt so uneasy as if something might happen in the future. My thoughts were occupied during my trip. I realized I'm getting nearby to my destination so I called the cab driver's attention to stop.

"Just drop me here, Sir." I instructed him. I handed my fare and gave him tip as well. I just could not get it off my head. Anything about Joohyun concerns me deeply. But maybe I'm just being so paranoid and over thinking about it. Joohyun and I are matured enough to deal anything that would be thrown on us. Yeah, our love will keep us alive. We both wanted this and for sure our relationship would work out since we have an open communication. She would tell me if something is bothering her or whatnot.

I was heading towards the parking lot to get my car which I left yesterday. When out of a sudden a car honked at me that I got startled. Gees, I easily got startled over things. My brows arched seeing a familiar car. Did she just follow me? It was Jeongyeon who was frowning inside her car. She then lowered her window to the other side so she could talk to me.

"You could have told me you need a ride. Why didn't you ask earlier?" She snorted.

"Did you just follow me?" I crossed my arms in front of me as I waited for her response.

"I kind of. Just because I got curious. And I have something to discuss with you." She got out from her car and faced me. Her gaze was locked on mine and she was scrutinizing me. "Joohyun unnie is like a family to me. I actually like her for Seulgi. But if they are both happy with their respective relationships then I am going to support them all out." She finally spoke up what was on her mind. "I wont let anyone hurt unnie. She seems to be so in love with you and that kinda scares me." She continued.

"What are you implying here?"

"I am warning you not to hurt unnie." She casually shrugged at me.

Did she see me with Jennie earlier? But I never kissed back. I didn't initiate the kiss. Should I just defend myself? But it's not worth my time to be arguing with Seulgi's sister. Maybe she's just concern. Instead I just asked her a random question. "What else did you see?" The question that I myself wasn't sure as well how to answer. Just a gut feeling that she did see us. A slight possibility that might cause a huge trouble in the future. Jeongyeon was kinda dead serious so this should not be taken lightly. And I have nothing to be guilty of. I didn't do anything that could ruin me and Joohyun.

"Nuh, I don't go over with other people's personal lives. I won't say anything about you. You could think of anything you want but I just wanted to warn you, Manoban."

She probably saw something but was not interested in talking about it. Fine. "I would never hurt, Joohyun. I appreciate your concern for her. Rest assured that her heart is safe with me." I defended myself.

"You don't have to be that cheesy, you know?" Jeongyeon cringed,

I am grateful that other than me Joohyun has people around her who are willing to take the bullet for her. Glad she made a lot of friends. I just smiled at Jeongyeon. And she gave me her signature 'what the fuck look.' Maybe I creeped her out.

"Hop in I'll drive you home." She offered.

"No need. I got my car here. I am actually here to get it. But if you like we can hang out or you can tag along with me. It's too early to go home." I invited.

"That sounds fun. But it's a bit early to drink up beer." She was confused if why I was inviting her out.

"Who said it's early for that? I'll just gonna give you a tour in my restaurant. And we can drink in there. Sky is the limit." I winked playfully.

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