Chapter 29

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Jisoo brought Jennie to Mr. Manoban's room. "Mom how is Dad doing?" Jennie asked Mrs. Manoban when she got inside the room. Her face was obviously worried about Lisa's father.

Mrs. Manoban did not give it much of a thought hearing Jennie called her mom and her husband dad. She actually felt bad for Jennie. She knew her daughter broke up with her to be with Joohyun. She loves Joohyun like her own daughter ever since and she approves their relationship. She would support her daughter's happiness. It's what she could do as a mother. She had nothing but pity for Jennie who pushes herself to Lisa. It was like being so desperate to get her only daughter's attention. Which was a total opposite in terms of Joohyun. Lisa would always be the one chasing Joohyun ever since they were kids. She knew that what Lisa has for Joohyun is indeed a genuine love.

"Oh, Jennie where did you get the news about my husband?"

"Someone reported it to me. I am actually here to see Lisa because she never answer any of my calls, Mom."

"Jennie darling, I am sorry in behalf of my daughter. But she's really in love with her childhood sweetheart. I could only support her because her happiness matters to me. I hope you would eventually move on, darling."

"Mom, you can't say that. After all I'd been through you shouldn't say that." Jennie pointed out then took some documents from her purse.

"What are these?" Mrs. Manoban quizzically asked as Jennie handed the papers to her.

"That's the signed affidavit of Uncle Victor."

Jisoo's attention turned to them. She was actually busy preparing for the food while waiting for Seulgi to comeback. Lisa went out for a walk and sent her a message earlier so she was not even surprised she's not around.

Shocked was written all over Mrs. Manoban's face. "No, this can't be..."

"Auntie are you alright?" Jisoo asked and took the documents from the shocked Mrs. Manoban. Her eyes turned wide reading each word from the documents. Manoban's properties were all listed in it. It was an agreement duly signed by Mr. Victor Manoban. He owed a lot from the Kims and he was trying to pay them by almost the entire wealth of Manoban. This would left Lisa's family with nothing. She glanced at Jennie with a double take as if asking for an explanation. It didn't take for a genius to compute the total of Manoban's property. It stated in all details.

"Gosh, this can't be happening to my family." Mrs. Manoban murmured at the back.

"How can we be sure that it is really uncle Victor? He never showed up to his own family." Jisoo waived the documents furiously. "How can we trust you? Is this one of your desperate attempts to get my best friend?" She never speaks evil to anyone but you could trace that there was vile in her words. Jisoo had bad impression about Lisa's uncle. Her frienf woulf occassionally mentioned about him.

"He should be dead right now if it wasn't for my intervention." Jennie smugly answered. "That's a fact that you should accept including Lisa. You need to convince her that her fate is already decided."

"Jennie, darling, let my family lawyers take a look at these documents. You cannot use this to threaten my daughter to marry you. I cannot let it happen." Mrs. Manoban recovered from her shock but obviously worried. No parents would ever want their child to be imprisoned with a marriage that is bound by condition but not love. Some might done an arranged marriage but not the Manobans.

"Fine. I leave that to your hands, Mom. But don't ever tell me that I didn't warn you."

"Jennie, I think you should go. Auntie is already stressed up. Please don't add up with her growing concerns at hand."

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