Chapter 57

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A torn was like removed on my throat. I didn't know Jennie would be that easy to talk with. We used to fight and exchanged unnecessasry comments to each other because no one like to lose. Well, she could be my new bff if she's always like that. Everything is clear between us but still I can't let my guards down. Now all I need to do is brace myself and face the bigger problem that lies ahead behind the kitchen door. I wonder if Joy knew about the couple's wherabout. There is an on going party yet the two decided to stay here to pack some take out foods. I was about to push the door but something seemed to be blocking the entry. I tried multiple times but it just don't budge. Something is not right. I think there is someone or something behind the door. I tried to sneak in and I am certain about the scent. It's a familiar perfume. The one I always give her as a gift.

"Bear??? It's me." I lowly spoke.

Seulgi's head slowly moved from the door and she peeked in. "Chubby Bunny?"

"Hey! Why are you blocking the door?" I tried to push it again.

"What are you doing here?" She became frantic. Like she was caught doing something terrible or it was something else. I felt bad that even my beat friend does not welcome me in this party. My face turned sour which might gave her a hint. "No, I mean at the kitchen." She said defensively. "Of all the place why are you here when the party is outside?"

"I am looking for Jisoo." I don't have time to be delaying this conversation with Seulgi. I need to talk to Jisoo.

"What? Why?" She seemed bothered that I was looking for Jisoo.

"Can you just let me in so I can talk to her? I know she's with you." I was losing my patience with the bear behind the door.

"She's not here." She said nervously.

"Bear!" The weight of my seriousness seemed to knock some sense to Seulgi.

"Aye, fine she's here." She opened the kitchen door for me. I was shocked because she pushed the fridge first which was blocking the way. How did she even bring the fridge there?

"Did you use that to block the door?" I asked her in disbelief. And she only scratched her head.

Seulgi was not able to answer when we both hear footsteps coming towards us. "Irene?! What brings you here?"

"Babe, I can explain. I let her in. I know you strictly told me not to let anyone in." Seulgi was tensed. She is always like that around Jisoo. She's terrified to make her angry.

Well, to be honest I am also scared with Jisoo too. She may be little just like me but she's terrifying in person. You may see her always smiling and saying jokes but you don't want to be on her bad side.

She crossed her arms. "Leave." I gulped as I heard her say. She was asking me to leave even though I haven't said my purpose of looking for her.

"Chubby Bunny, please just leave. You don't want to do this at Joy's party, right?" Seulgi pled.

"No, Irene can stay. You leave us alone. We will talk." Jisoo explained and both Seulgi and I seemed to unable to comprehend. Oh, so it was for Seulgi not me. It was a relief. So she wanted me to stay so we could talk.

"Ah! Hahaha! Alright. I will leave the two of you. Please don't do anything to Chubby Bunny." Seulgi asked her fiancée. "Also Chubby Bunny, stay calm. The two of you are just about to talk." She winked at me.

"Thanks, Bear."

When Jisoo was convinced Seulgi wasn't around she then started the conversation.

"Shall we talk somewhere else?" She seemed calm. This made me relax as well. We will talk like two civil people.

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