Chapter 27

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Lisa and the Red Velvet's Chipmunk

The two girls settled in a cozy restaurant who offers the best samgyupsal as Lisa's recommendation. Their orders were served so they indulged themselves right away. The food there were really enticing and for Wendy it was like a romantic date with Manoban. A dream come true indeed. She could not help but to gush over by the view of Lisa in front of her. She only dreamt of this when she was a foolish young girl. She would just watched Lisa afar contentedly.

She couldn't help herself but to be more caring with the tall girl. She really felt bad when she witnessed the sight at the park. She was glad she followed Lisa. She wouldn't nailed this date if she didn't do something new. She simply knew that Irene hurt Lisa and the latter didn't deserve to be treated that way. She knew she couldn't be Irene's replacement, it's kinda early to make any moves. For the given situation she just wanted to be someone that Lisa could rely on. Someone she could speak out her thoughts freely. Yes a friend, a genuine one but who knows with a patient heart like hers nothing seems to be impossible.

"Lisayaah eat this. I wrapped this perfectly for you." Wendy wrapped a big chunk of samgyupsal in a lettuce.
The food forcedly wrapped altogether didn't look good and it was like everything was stuffed mindlessly. There's no way someone could eat that in one go. Lisa's eyes got widen but being grateful for Wendy's kindness she did not complain. She then opened her mouth wider to make sure she'll be able to eat all of it.

"Is it good? I'll wrap another one for you. Do you want me to dip it on the melted cheese this time?" Wendy asked giddily.

Lisa was not able to answer since she was still trying to figure out how to swallow the first one. Her eyes started to become teary because she was not able to breathe properly. She tried to chew it down to get ready for the next one. She swallowed it hard and took a sip from her lemonade. While Wendy was still busy putting all things together in one wrap again, Lisa then poured soju into the shot glass. She then bowed and gave it to Wendy. Wendy is months older than her so it is rightful to be more respectful.

"Oh thanks, but what about you? Why aren't you drinking? What are you planning, huh?" She took the soju in one go.

"Nuh, I don't want to get a head ache, Seungwan and who's gonna take care of you if you got so drunk again?"

Wendy blushed instantly that reached even her cute pair of ears.

"Seungwan, what's the matter why are you looking so hot right now?" Lisa got panic. She thought she poured soju more than what she should. She was mentally blaming herself.

Unknown to Lisa, Wendy was just blushing because of her sweetness. And the word that the tall girl then used made it more worst for Wendy to get more redder. She tried to shrug the tall girl's comment. "She said I look hot.uwu."

Seeing Wendy feeling hot, Lisa then waved her hand to call the staff's attention. A guy got right away to her side.

"Yes, how can I help you?" The guy was obviously got stunned by Lisa's beauty. Of course she's a regular customer but now she seldom visits. This restaurant is Lisa and Jisoo's happy place. Lisa never bring anyone but Jisoo so he kinda assumed that the couple broke up already. A lot of people thought Lisoo are couple.

"Can you please adjust the ac? My friend here isn't feeling comfortable."

The guy glanced at Wendy only to receive a glare from the fuming chipmunk. But Lisa was oblivious in what's going on in the surrounding.

"Ehr- yeah sure, sure. One moment please." He instantly get the remote and do as he was told. He didn't bother to go back to the table because he got scared from Wendy.

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