chapter- 9

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A/n: yes I'm finally back. I'm sorry for making you guys wait but nothing was in my control so I was not able to write for a while. Fortunately, everything is slowly going back to normal and now I'm back to writing. So yaaaayyyy👏

Okay now back to the story. ⚠Be aware of grammar mistakes⚠

"Madam, should I make tea for you," Bhoomi ammal asked me while I was organizing my wardrobe. I smiled at them and shake my head. "Then I will help you" she offered her help again for the 10th time today. "No need, I can manage this. I know you've other important things to do" I replied and smiled softly at her.

"No, madam I don't have anything to do now. I know you must be tired after touring this house so please let me help you" she again asked to let her help me. "Do you think I have such low stamina?" I asked as if she offended me. "No madam I didn't mean that way. I only want to help you I didn't mean to offend you" she panicked and starts to blabber making me chuckle.

In a way it's true, this is a very massive mansion, and touring around such an enormous mansion did tire me a bit but not enough to let others do my work.

"I was only playing with you. Don't worry I'm not offended" I said and she exhaled in relief. "Don't you have to prepare for the arrival of Rudra's friends" I enquired  "Keshavan already did everything and the only thing left to do - is to order take-out" She informed me?

"Hmm, okay, but do you know who is coming today?" I asked. I was thinking about it ever since Rudra mentioned them.

"If I'm right Mr. Kiran sir and his friends will be our guests today," she said. My heart dropped and I began to tremble inside.

Oh god why him? He has always bullied me brutally when I was a teenager. He left a huge mental scar on me. I remember how he behaved at my wedding and I have a doubt he must have manipulated Rudra. I still, remember what Rudra said to me on our wedding night, it wasn't something Rudra would come up with, Kiran must have manipulated him.

"Madam" Bhoomi ammal's voice pulled me back to reality "Are you okay? You suddenly went pale, is everything alright?" She asked, I could see how concerned and scared she was. "I'm fine. I Uhm...I want to take a shower. You can leave" I said monotonously. Through my peripheral vision, I saw her nod her head slightly and left the room. I let out a shaky breath.

Time skip
My heart starts to pound against my ribcage as the minute handle strikes 7 o'clock. Rudra texted me saying they will come at 7 pm and he will also be late so I had to welcome them by myself. My palms start to sweat at the thought of facing him alone. Back on my wedding day, I was with my family so I was confident enough to stand up to him but today I'm alone and I don't feel an ounce of confidence. At least I should put on the mask of confidence I can't let him run over me once again.

I was helping Bhoomi ammal in arranging the dining table when the calling bell rang. I froze for a moment knowing who must be. I straightened my back and walked towards the main door and pulled it open.

Kiran and two unknown men are standing there. He had a confused look on his face upon seeing me. He was wearing a casual dress, a white shirt, and jeans. "What are you doing here?" He asked in a bored voice. "Rudra will be late today. Anyways, come inside" I welcomed them completely ignoring his question. "I know that Rudra texted me. I'm asking what the heck are you doing in his house?" anger can be heard in his voice. He walked into the house as if he owns it and glared at me.

I gulped as the memories of the past began to surge through me. "What do you mean? Oh, I think he didn't tell you about that. Rudra and I moved out since he wants to live independently after marriage" I answered him and stared at him challengingly I don't want to show him the impact he has on me. His face is turning red in anger "so you already brainwashed him, didn't you?" He asked through his gritted teeth.

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