14- Brothers in distress

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A/n: I was planning to update on 23rd but I suddenly got motivated so here is the update.

The next update will be on the 23rd- Friday

⚠ Please be aware of grammatical errors ⚠


"Just get the fuck out of here!! If you can't even carry out such a simple task, you're not qualified to work here. " He boomed, making the walls of his cabin shake, the three young adult men standing in front of him flinched, trembling in fear. Sweats covered one particular man.

"I will give you 5 minutes to get the fuck out of here. If I saw you again, I will make sure you will not only work here but also in any other prestigious companies, " he roared, the young man shivered in fear, and he bowed before scarring off.

"Within an hour I need an excellent idea for our next project otherwise you don't need to come here anymore" that's the cue for the other two young men to get out and get their job done.

Once they left, his gaze shifted to the laptop, and buried his head in work. Work is a great distraction for him, an escape from his problems, but little did he know work is not enough to escape from his biggest distraction, his wife.

"You're my husband and I love you... I have every right to love you"

He shut close his eyes as her words kept on ringing in his ear. Her tear-filled eyes invaded his mind, destroying his concentration. He couldn't forget the pain that was carved on her innocent face.

He could still feel her lips against his, unwittingly, his hand rose to touch his lips, but stopped abruptly, his hand paused in the mid-air. He remembered every single moment of the kiss they shared.

One thing he's sure of is that he never regrets kissing her, not even one bit. Rudra shook his head in disapproval.

He can't fathom the attraction he felt towards her. Rudra laid back on the cushioned leather chair, resting his head against the headrest.

He pinched the bridge of his nose as he could already feel the headache behind his eyes. He is conflicted about the feelings he felt towards his wife. The feelings were foreign to him, he never felt such intense and confusing feelings toward anyone.

"Maybe it's just an infatuation it will go away. I just need to stay away from her for some time" his mind finalized, but his heart did not agree with it. His heart said something that he can't comprehend now.

He was immersed in deep turmoil when the cabin door swung open. He was about to end the career of the person who just entered his cabin without permission, but he halted when he saw his brother casually wandering into his office as if he owns it.

Adithya strolled towards the couch situated a few inches away from Rudra's desk and plopped down on it. Rudra raises his eyebrow staring at him, amused after noticing his long face.

"What's with the long face" Rudra finally let out, smirking.

"So what's with the firing spree you had this morning? You fired 10 interns so far" Adithya retorted with another question, huffing in annoyance.

His reaction entertained Rudra further instead of angering him. "Well, I had to do some deep cleaning if I want our company to remain at the top, " he paused to observe his younger brother while amusement is visible in his eyes. "Now tell me what's wrong?" He asked once again

"Woman... woman happened, " he muttered under his breath before groaning. Rudra let out a chuckle before speaking up

"well, that's what you get for flirting around any girl you see"  his tone laced with humor.

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