Second Kiss

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A/n: 4500+ words. I hope that's enough to make up for my long absence. There is no dragging in this chapter so I hope you guys will like it.

Unedited chapter

Ananya wasn't hurt because he was hugging another girl. He's allowed to hug any of his female friends just like how Pranav hugged her. The reason behind her pain was the smile on his face which bloomed because of another girl. Never in her life, she saw him smiling this widely.

After blinking away her tears and composing herself she once again loudly knocked on the door. This time she heard his reply.

"Come in" His voice isn't grumpy or gloomy as usual, his voice filled with laughter she never heard from him before. Ananya couldn't feel jealousy anymore because it is overpowered by her pain.

She subtly steps into the office with an emotionless face. Rudra's wide smile faded at the sight of her, she could feel her heart breaks apart at his reaction.

Does he hate me that much? I think I interpreted their moment. She masked her pain and suppressed her tears.

"What are you doing here?" He grumbled and stood up.

"Surya asked for this file. I came here to give this to you." she places the blue file on his desk and went around to exit his office without sparing any glance at the girl sitting in front of him or him.

"Ananya wait!" he called out making her stop in her trails and slowly turned to face them.

Rudra strode towards her within big two steps and wrapped his arm around her shoulder as if he were claiming her. "Anjali, meet my wife Ananya, and Ananya meet my friend Anjali" he introduces them to each other. But her heart skipped a beat at the word 'wife'. He never acknowledged her as his wife before. She could feel skin tingles under his touch.

Stupid heart!! Why are you still getting affected by his hollow words!! She chided herself, her hand fisted in anger.

Ananya forces a smile and secretly checks her out. She is in her mid-20s wearing a turquoise cocktail maxi jumpsuit that is hugging her curves in the right places complimenting her hourglass figure, and her skin glows under the light. In Ananya's opinion, she has the most beautiful and sharp facial features. It is almost impossible for her not to envy her.

Anjali smiled at her and Ananya could easily identify it as the same fake smile she was wearing. She eyed her head to toe whilst Ananya felt uncomfortable under her judgmental gaze.

"Hi I'm Anjali" she broke the awkward silence and greeted her.

"Hi. I'm Ananya. Nice to meet you" she replied and shakes her hand.

"I'm an interior designer. What about you?" She tries to have a conversation with Ananya.

"I'm working as a math professor"

"Math professor? really?? That's boring" she giggles and much to Ananya's anger Rudra also laughed with her. Ananya rolled her eyes but none of them noticed it.

"Anyway, we're going to have dinner together do you want to come with us?" She gracefully walked to Rudra and incircled her hand around his and attached herself to him. Ananya glared at the hands that were touching her husband. She looks up at him hoping he'll push her away but he didn't.

Ananya looked away feeling disappointed and dejected. 'He looks more like a couple with her than when he's with me

"No thank you. I'm pretty tired today" she politely turned her down and Anjali pouted in response. Ananya wants to puke at her attempt to look cute but all she has done was forcing a smile. She doesn't want to appear as a jealous wife.

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