He Returned

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Unedited chapter- hello guys I hope you are doing well. I was not supposed to update today but I thought you guys want to know how Rudra is going to react so yeah here is the update.

Ananya gulped in fear before subtly walking towards him. "When did you come?" She whispered meekly, refusing to meet his eyes.

"Well, it's been more than 30 years since I came here. But can I know where my dear wife has been?" he taunted her, her cheeks colored, and bit her bottom lip "And don't even bother to lie Ananya I don't take lying well" he added.

"I was helping some children who are behind in their studies. I have been tutoring more than 10 students. You know I kinda got bored when I was alone" she said, it was partially true. She deliberately hides the fact that she's tutoring for money.

"If you say so. But for a fact I believe you are hiding or lying about something" He said observing her fidgeting and nervous stance. Ananya shot up and gaped at him speechless. She was shocked for two reasons- one he realized she is lying, and two he was not saying anything against her tutoring students.

"Nevertheless, I trust you Ananya. I know I have not seeded enough freedom and confidence in you to share your problems with me. I will wait until you feel at ease enough to share your dilemmas  with me"

Ananya melted at his heartwarming words. She searched for any kind of falsehood in his eyes but all she found was sheer honesty. Before she could control herself she flung her arms around his torso and hugged him. "I missed you so much" she whispered against his chest.

He stilled for a moment in surprise. He lowered the cup he was holding onto the teapoy and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to his body. A warm feeling swelled in his chest as he felt her soft huggable body against his. He felt contented while holding her in his arms. He never felt this much contentment before no matter what he had achieved in the past.

As seconds pass it is becoming much clearer to him that whatever feeling he has for her is more than just an infatuation. His heart skipped a beat at the realization.

He felt like he lost something when she pulled away but then she gave him a smile that could light up his whole world and all sadness faded away from him. He reciprocated her smile. "Did you eat something Rudra?" He shook his head no.

"Then you were drinking on empty stomach. You know it's not healthy right?" Ananya gasped and glared at him. He smiled sheepishly at her while scratching the back of his nape. "I will prepare egg fried rice if you are fine with it" she offered and he nodded in agreement.

He has watched her keenly as she cooks supper for them. Her moves were gentle and fast at the same time, just by looking at her cooking he knew she had been cooking for a long time. He wanted to wrap his arms around her voluptuous waist but he controlled himself. Baby steps Rudra baby steps You don't want to scare her now do you?
He chided himself.

While she was preparing fried rice Rudra made the table, and after finishing the cooking she served the food hot. Just as he took a bit he moaned in delight "it's so tasty Ananya! I missed your food" he gulped down the food quickly enjoying it. Ananya stared at him shocked he never complimented her before so it was a shock to her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Rudra asked after feeling her dumbfounded gaze at him.

"You never praised my food before so I was kinda shocked" she muttered smiling a bit. Rudra's heart sank at her words as guilt filled him.

"I'm sorry for not appreciating you Ananya. Your food always tastes so good I was just a jerk back then" he apologized. He reached out and grabbed her hand that was resting on the table. Ananya at first tenses at his touch but gradually relaxed. He gently caresses her hand with the pad of his thumb.

Heat raised to her cheeks, she always dreamed of this kind of scenario before but never thought she would be lucky enough to experience it, that's also with her first love. Ananya let out an audible gasp when he slides a ring onto her finger. It fits perfectly as if it was made for her.

"Rudra what??...why?" She couldn't form words looking at the breathtaking Diamond ring. Rudra smiled at her shocked and fascinated face. His heart swells in happiness.

"Do you like it?" He asked and she looked up at him. "Like it? No, I love it. But Rudra this seems too expensive why did buy this for me?" She asked feeling conflicted as she had never received such expensive gifts before.

"You are my wife I don't need any reason to give my wife a gift. And you don't need to worry about the price" he said as it is the most obvious thing in the world.

"But at least tell me the price" she persisted ignoring her racing heart when he declared her as his wife. She still can't fathom that he was already acknowledging her as his wife.

"I don't see the point why you should know it but if you want to I will tell. It's..hmm.around 10 lakhs I guess I bought this ring from the US" he replied.

Ananya's jaw hung down, she stared at him in terror. "Are you serious Rudra?! This is so expensive what if I lost it oh my god I-" he cut off her panic babbling by covering her lips with his. It wasn't fully a kiss it was more likely a peck but it had done its job. The kiss made her quiet, her cheeks stained with crimson red matching to sarees color.

He breaks the kiss and pulled back, he shoots her a boyish smile. Ananya's heart threatens to leap out of her at his smile.

"You won't lose it. You don't need to wear it regularly, you can wear it when we go out for a date and parties" he brushed her cheeks.

"Date?" Ananya mumbled in disbelief.

"Yes dates, won't you go out with me" he teased her.

"Yes I will," she whispered looking down.

A husky chuckle reverberated from him and her heart for the umpteenth time that day skipped a beat. "Thank you for dinner, Ananya. It was delicious. I would like to take you out for a date tomorrow at 7 o'clock of course only if you are free" he asked her out. He had a pleasant smile on his face.

Ananya's eyes widened, stunned. Then smiled widely until she remembered about her tuition. It's okay I will adjust my schedule I don't want to miss my first date with my husband. She was mentally planning her schedule until he snapped his fingers in front of her face.

"Is it okay? if you want I can reschedule our dinner date" he suggested.

"No! I mean it's okay. I'm free after 7 o'clock" she responded happily. Her eyes twinkled with excitement. Rudra smiled, he could barely conceal his excitement when she agreed. After finishing their dinner they went to their perspective rooms. Ananya called the student she's supposed to teach tomorrow to inform them about the change in tuition time.

Ananya laid down on the bed and covered herself with a duvet but sleep was a mile away from her. Her face was flushed with excitement, It was the first date! she had never gone on a date before. Omg!! I'm going on a dinner date with Rudra!" She squealed in disbelief. But not wanting to wake up with dark circles around her eyes she forced herself to sleep for her, and she soon slipped into a deep slumber.

In the case of Rudra, it wasn't much different. He was tossing over the bed as sleep was far away. Nervousness bubbles inside him, yes he has taken a lot of girls out for dinner in past but none of them were serious and his feelings were not involved before. But this time it is different, he now knows he has feelings for her, and he doesn't want to mess things up.

Rudra it's okay! It's just a dinner date. Everything is under your control just try to not be a d*ck to her. He tried to console himself. Shortly after all his exhaustion caught him up and knocked him off.

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