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A/n:  I don't know if anyone is still reading my story but if you're still here even after my long absence I'm so thankful for your patience. I'm now planning to prepare for a competitive exam so my goal is to study for at least 9+ hours a day and that's why I'm not updating frequently.
Author's Pov:

"Madam let me help you" Bhoomi ammal requested causing Ananya to sigh. "Folding laundry is not a big chore I can do this by myself. if I'm not wrong I think you have more important chores to do in the kitchen" she replied in a weary voice. She is more than tired of having the same conversation again and again.

"But Rudra sir asked me to take care of you. He especially asked me not to allow you to do any chores" she argued desperately. She doesn't want victim of Rudra's wrath. She knows it will cost her her job.

The moment Ananya heard his name she stopped, her mind rushed back to the memories of yesterday. She still hasn't figured out how to act in front of him. Despite her turmoil, she began to miss him. Her gaze flew to the clock hanging on the wall; it was past 7 pm. A sigh escaped from her lips it's still early he won't be back anytime soon, she concluded and continue to fold her dress.

Without Ananya's permission, Bhoomi ammal began to fold the clothes. Ananya glared at her through her narrowed eyes.

"What?" She asked innocently and ignored her glaring. Ananya shook her head and clicked her tongue in disapproval but didn't say anything. Knowing that Bhoomi ammal won't let her do anything alone she didn't argue and let her help.

Once they finished folding the clothes they began to arrange them inside the wardrobe. That's when they heard the screeching sound of the tires coming from outside the mansion.

"I think sir is here. Oh god, he came back early today! I have to prepare dinner" Bhoomi ammal blabbered nervously and scampered out of the room.

"Why did he come so early?" Ananya asked herself and followed Bhoomi ammal.

Rudra walked inside the house with a weary face, he was more than just tired. But when his tired eyes landed on his wife, all his exhaustion flew away. She was staring at him in worry and hesitation, but at the same time, she avoided any eye contact with him.

"Sir I didn't know you would've returned so early. I have not prepared dinner yet" Bhoomi ammal spat out nervously.

Rudra's gaze averted from his wife and landed on Bhoomi ammal much to Ananya's relief.

"No need we are going out tonight" he declared in a firm tone. Ananya's head shoots up to stare at him in utter shock. He never once took her out this is the first time.

'Is he taking me out for a date? Oh, stop it Ananya please get out of your fantasy world. He must have wanted to cheer me up"  she assumed. It hurt her to think he would never see her in that way and he would never take her out for a date.

Rudra observed her pouting face in amusement and then gestured for Bhoomi ammal to leave and she did.

"Are you okay now?" He asked tenderly and walked towards her. Ananya was expecting that question but still don't know how to answer that question so she nodded slightly.

"How occasionally do you have a panic attack?" He asked carefully, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

"I rarely have a panic attack. It is not serious - you don't need to worry about it" Ananya answered after clearing her throat.

"No Ananya it is serious. You should not neglect your mental health, mental health is important as your physical health. If you don't mind I can arrange an appointment with a psychologist for you. I have a friend who-"

"Stop it! What do you take me as? Do you think I'm crazy?" His dialogue was abruptly cut off by Ananya's sudden outburst. Her sudden anger caught him off guard and left him speechless.

"I didn't mean in that way! You should be more open-minded Ananya. Not all people who are consulting a psychologist are crazy, nowadays, everyone is consulting them even for every minor problem. It's not a big deal anymore, Ananya"

He argued, he tried to defend himself and his good intention. But his words fall deaf on her ears. She is convinced that he is trying to portray her as a mental patient so she began to act more carefully and defensively toward him. She smirked sarcastically and glared at him.

"So you want to paint me as a mentally unstable woman so that you can convince your parents to let you divorce me right? That's your true intention right?" She yelled at him, her hands clenched tightly and her eyes filled with angry tears.

"You don't need to stoop so slow for that. I promise you Rudra I will do anything and everything to divorce you. I will let you go, Rudra! Just wait for 6 months" Just after saying that she fled from there without giving him time to process what she just said.

Rudra stood there dumbfounded not knowing what to do or what to think. All he knows is he probably ruined the friendship he created with her just the day before.

'What the f*uck just happened? All I want to do is take her out for a dinner and get to know her. I shouldn't have mentioned the psychologist instead I should've told about the therapist or something..Ugh I messed up"

He groaned in frustration and facepalmed. After letting out the air of defeat he stomped towards his bedroom.

A/n:  do you guys think Ananya overreacted? Or is Rudra being insensitive?

I know the chapter is short but don't be sad or angry I will update soon and that will be a long chapter

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