Life goes on

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A/n: Thank you so much for 11k reads and 1k votes. I never thought this book will get this much love and attention. I'm so happy. Once again thank you.


Ananya curled up in the corner of her bed crying her heart out, hugging her knees. She felt as if God doesn't want her to be happy just when she thought there will be hope for a happy life he would prove to her how brutally wrong she is.

She had her first taste of life when the kids at her play school teased her about her weight. That day she cried in her father's arms who consoled her and taught her to ignore them and never take their words to her heart.

During middle school, the taunting continues, but she could understand that they are not harmful as she thinks. They are a harmless tease it's her who takes it too seriously so middle school was fine.

Everything changed upside down when her father enrolled her at the top prestigious private school. He did it after seeing her excellent academic talent, he just wanted the best for her.

Most of the students were from rich, high-class families while she was from a middle-class family. It was the first reason for their bullying, but then it slowly turns out to be about her weight. She wasn't the only student who was overweight, many other students are in exact weight and size as her, but no one taunts them, at least in front of their faces, yes, they did make fun of their bodies but only behind their back because they are from rich influential families.

That's when she realized that money matters a lot in this society. Money comes with power and is followed by respect.

Their bullying began with words, then tripping her that slowly changed to pouring rotten eggs and milk. Sometimes it becomes more serious when they decided to lay their hands on her. Later she came to know it was their way of relieving stress - being born into a rich family is not easy, their parents have high expectations which pressure them beyond their breaking point, and no freedom to choose their career.

But even in this chaos, she found a friend, Ajay. She thought was a gift from God, but little did she know how wrong she was.

Ananya shut close her eyes and shook her head vigorously to stop thinking about him. "Please stop it, please stop thinking about him, " she pleaded to herself while rocking herself gently.

She doesn't know how long she sat there crying, maybe until she ran out of tears? She doesn't know, but now the pain diminished a bit. Still, she felt way too weak to do anything, therefore decided to take a nap.

She woke up to knocking on the door. She grunted in annoyance, and with a spinning head, she shuffled towards the door. It was Bhoomi ammal asking her what to prepare for dinner.

"No need I will prepare the dinner you can go home after cleaning up," she ordered monotonously and closed the door.

To get rid of drowsiness she hopped inside the shower and let the cold water cascade down her body. The shower always helped her to lighten up her mood. After changing into a lightweight cotton saree, she took off to the kitchen.

As much as she wants to curl up in the bed and never go out of the room and face Rudra ever again, she knows that is not possible no what matter happened, she can't run away. Life will go on whether she likes it or not

She entered the kitchen and began to take out the ingredients from the cupboards and fridge to make lasagna, which is his favorite. Ananya doesn't blame Rudra anymore, she only blames herself. He was drunk when they kissed and she could've easily stopped him but she didn't.

If tables turned, Rudra kissed her while she was in a drunken state, so that would imply he took advantage of her or assaulted her. So it was her fault, she should have stopped him and never had her hopes high.

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