No Questions?

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  • Dedicated to Harry Styles

Authors Note

sorry for the late update will update more soon. i am in art class soo its rushed dedcided to publish on Harry's Birthday soo enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!

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After the water war I headed home to take yet another shower. I walked down stairs in my comfortable pj's and decided to let my hair dry on its own. I laid down on the couch with a book in hand and my iPod in my ears. As I was getting to the good part of the book when it was suddenly ripped away from me. 

I looked up to see my sister had the book in her hand with an amused expression on her face. 

"Steph give it back I was getting to the best part" I whined while taking my headphones out  

"No can do, now follow me" She said as she headed towards the stairs  I groaned and followed her  

"Ok I followed you now please give it back" I said desperately in need of knowing what happened to the girl and if she was really a vampire. I pouted and entered her room. Ok I admit I love reading fantasy books mostly about either vampire or werewolves.

"Fine here but you have to sit down and no questions" She said handing me my book back  

I sat in the chair and she left and came back with a curling iron, a blow dryer and some make up 

"What are you.." I began to ask but was cut off 

"Ah ah ah no questions please bells just trust me" She pleaded 

"Aww not you to with the nickname" I said 

"I kinda of like it" She said 

She turned the chair so I was facing a mirror then started blow drying my damp hair 

I shrugged and kept reading. She then stopped and and plugged in the curling 

"You know my hair won't curl" I said looking up from my book  

"That's because you never had me do your hair" She stated and started to curl my hair 

I didn't bother looking up again I knew that the curls would eventually straighten. I finished the last pages of my book just in time for Steph to say she was finished 

I rolled my eyes and looked up but my jaw dropped when I saw my hair it had soft lose curls cascading down my shoulders reaching a couple inches above my waist. I couldn't stop staring at it,   it was so pretty. 

"Wow " Were the only words that I could manage to let escape my mouth.

"Told you" She smirked "Now on to make up so just close your eyes" She said 

I did as she said and closed my eyes. I felt a light brush on my cheeks then something on my eyelids. 

"Open your eyes I need to put some mascara on and eyeliner" Ihe said 

And I did so 

"How are you and Liam" I asked as she put the mascara on 

"Wonderful he is so sweet and we are going out tomorrow" She said 

"Aww that's soo cute" I gusted. I was so happy for Liam and her they were so cute together 

"Ok now for some eyeliner" She said picking it up about to put it me when I stopped her 

"I'll do it" I said taking it away from her "You poked me in the eye the last time I let you do it" 

"That was an accident and by the way if you wouldn't have moved I wouldn't of poked you in the eye" She huffed 

I rolled my eyes and applied the white eyeliner and when I was finished I looked at my whole appearance  

I had on some pink eyeshadow and some blush was on my cheeks showing my cheek bones .With the mascara and eyeliner making my eyes pop an look brighter. I looked around for Steph but I didn't know where she disappeared to. 

She was always good at making my make up look natural but I wonder why she was putting it on me I wasn't going anywhere so it was just a waste unless she just wanted to some make up thing she found in a magazine. 

Maybe that was it I though in my head as I sat back down and when I did she entered the room with my pink dress and some sparkly white toms. 

"Go put these on" She said handing me the dress and shoes 

"Why " I asked but still took the stuff 

"It will all be revealed in time" She said 

I huffed and went change knowing she would never tell me the reason behind getting me all dressed up.

I changed from my comfortable pj's to the dress, grabbed some no show socks and slipped those on, along with the toms and headed back to Steph. 

She wasn't in my room and wasn't in her room, so not knowing where else she could be I checked the rest of the rooms upstairs. Still not finding her I headed down the stairs only to be stopped seconds later as I got to the bottom of the steps hearing the doorbell ring. 

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