Carrots,Water Balloons and pools

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Scott and i ended up seeing two movies snow white and the huntsman and men in black 3 and they were both awesome. we got out of the movie theater around 10pm

"they were awesome movies" i said going down the escalator

"they were ok" Scott said putting his arm around me

"ok? they were awesome" i said

"ok they were awesome" he said and i smiled

then my phone started ringing "hey I'm gonna go get some pretzels you want anything" Scott asked

"a coke please" i said

" k be back in a second" he said

"hello" i said picking up my phone

"hey Bella its Louis i jacked Lauren's phone"Louis said

"she is gonna be pissed" i said

"that was the plan anyways you should come over" he said

" i was just over there a little while ago"I said

"uhh i miss you" Louis said

"try again" i said laughing

"ok i need you to bring me some carrots the boys took all the carrots and hid them" Louis said

"uhh i don't know" i said

" please your my only hope" he said

"what about Lauren ask her where they hid them" i said

"she is the one who told them to hide them because i took Zayn away from her" he said

"wow I'm surprised your not dead" i said

" Please you'll be my best-est friend" he said

" i thought harry was" i said laughing

" he was until he helped them hide the carrots" he said

"how did you get Lauren's phone" i asked

" she dropped it and i was all like SUPERMAN and ran and got it and now i am hiding underneath a table" Louis said.

He screamed the superman part and now my ear was ringing


"oh no" Louis said

"Hello" Lauren said

"hey " i said

"what did Lou say"  Lauren said

" that i should come over and that u guys hid his carrots" i said laughing

"yea we hid his carrots and you should sleep over" She said

"Nah I'm sure the guys wanna hangout with just you" i said

"Come over" i heard alot of male voices say

"you put me on speaker didn't you" i said

"yep"she said

"I don't know" i said

"come over it will be fun" harry said

"ok but can i talk to Louis really fast" i said

"sure" harry said

"hey take me off speaker" i told Louis

"done" he said

" ill bring the carrots and ill get some Nerf guns too, we cant let these awful people do such a thing i said laughing

"your a better friend than harry" he said

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