I'm Yours

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Authors Note

ok so i named this chapter i'm yours because i was listening to One Direction sing a cover of it and instantly fell in love with it and it kinda relates to this chapter so the video is on the side soo check it out >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

i dedicated this chapter to  Hope_XOXO_HI because she dedicated on of here FabuLouis chapters to me. so check out her ExtraordinHarry stories because they are BriLiam and FAN HER!!!!!!!!!!COMMENT AND VOTE ON HER STORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU WONT REGRET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for any mistakes its like 3am and i typed this really fast so you guys could read it :D

here's the next chapter hope you like it. VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i woke up the next day with a simile on my face probably because of what happened last night. i took a shower,fixed my hair and did my maybe up and headed down stairs. while i was walking down stairs i smelled something delicious.

"what smells so delicious" i asked while walking in to the living room

"my brother is making pancakes,eggs and bacon"Lauren said. she was on the couch with Zayn, Niall,Amber,Emma,Lexi,Sophie and Louis

"hey go ask them if their done yet I'm starving"Amber said

"k be right back" i said. i was about to walk in to the kitchen when i heard my name.it was Harry and Liam talking, so i started to listen on their conversation

"so you asked Bella last night and Lexi was there" i heard Liam ask

"yea and finally Lexi will leave me alone, because i really like Bella"Harry said

"congratulations mate"

"so hows the whole Emma thing i know management put you guys together so hows that working out"

"shes a sweet girl, but i don't like her like that and she doesn't either so we are more like friends so I'm gonna call management later and tell them its not working out"

"good luck mate"Harry said

i walked in and they both looked at me with shocked expressions

"everything ok" i asked

"uh yea whats up" Harry asked

"Amber wants to know if breakfast is done" i said

"I'm just gonna go hang out with my girl friend"Liam said making his way to the door

"don't you mean friend' i said

"you heard"Liam asked

"yes"i said

"why didn't you tell me that management put them together" i asked Harry

"well it was supposed to be a secret, but some one decided to eavesdrop" he said to me

"i was not" i said giving them a hurtful look. they both gave me a look

"huh fine i was" i said

"don't tell anyone"Liam said to both of us then exited the kitchen

"the food smells delicious" i said changing the subject

"here you go" he said handing me a plate with a pancake an egg and two pieces of bacon

Best Friends Brother (One Direction) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now