Rough Water

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Authors Note 

incredibly sorry for the extremely late update!!!!! I blame school. anyways this chapter is called Rough Water because 1 i am obsessed with this song and 2 because i think it kind of reminds me of Bella's and Harry relationship.

The video is on the side (ROUGH WATER by Travie McCoy ft Jason Mraz) ----------->


I will try to update soon 

SO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I fought against him; kicking him, punching him trying to get out of his Iron grip so I could see if Harry was okay, but nothing seemed to work.

I cant believe Jake actually hit him and for no reason at all; which got me extremely pissed, because Harry had done nothing wrong.

The door slammed shut as I was thrown into the passenger seat.I tried to open the door and run out, only to find that Jake had some how locked the door preventing me from escaping.

I growled out in frustration as he opened the drivers side door and slammed it shut.We took off heading home, I'm guessing not paying any attention to which roads he was taking because I was glaring at the side of his face.

"You know I am only doing this to protect you right"He stated, never  taking his eyes off the road

my face reddened in anger "Protecting me? from what? being with Harry?"I spat angrily

"He is only trying to get into your pants Bells"He said calming

"Don't call me that"I hissed "And don't you dare say that about Harry"

"I'm only trying to save you from the heartbreak"He defended

"Save me? save me from Harry?Where we were you when Scott cheated on me, because I wouldn't sleep with him huh"I questioned

"Bella I..."He began

"Where were you when I needed advice or when I was the biggest Idiot and gave him another chance huh where were you when I needed you"I asked tears slipping down my face

"Bella I didn't"He began

"No I don't want to hear it; you weren't there for me then so now you don't get to decide who I should and should not be with."I stated as we pulled up to the house

"Bella...."He began again

"Just let me out of the car"I spat not glancing at him

He sighed and took the key out of the ignition then got out of the car to let me out.He opened the door with a guilty look on his face, but i showed no emotion and swiftly got out of the car and headed for the front door.

"Did you sleep with him Bella"He asked coming up behind me

"No and I won't sleep with anyone until I'm married"I said unlocking the door and storming into the house.

I ran up the stairs and slammed and locked the door of my bedroom.

I pulled out my phone and began dialing Harry's number.I placed my phone to my ear only to be greeting by the ringing dial tone.

"Pick up, pick up"i chanted drumming my fingertips against my leg impatiently

"Hello" Liam's voice greeted from the other line

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