The Fighter

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Authors Note

sorry for the late update i tried to get it up sooner but i had writer block and school and i stayed home from school Friday because i was sick. so Ive been writing this all day friday till 4 am so i hope you like it i tried to make it extra long

the video on the side is The Fighter by Gym Class Heroes it one of my favorites and it goes good with the chapter so that's why its the title. sorry for any mistakes im sick so it might not be good :(

anyway i wanted to dedicate this chapter to @5boys4eva  because she is truly BriLIAM ans i couldn't thank her enough  this ones for you girly so everyone check her out and FAN HER!!!!!!!

so here it is VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND BE FOREVER YOUNG WITH ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"so do you think this will work between them"Harry asked me as we were in his car driving to the the restaurant

"i don't know  maybe i hope it will didn't you see the way they were looking at each other" i said

"yea, so what are we gonna do" he asked while taking my hand in his while driving one handed

"just follow my lead" i said " oh there is the restaurant" i told him pointing to it with my free hand

he drove in and parked the car in the parking space. i was about to get out my he stopped i stayed in while he got out apparently he wanted to open the door for me how sweet. he opened the door and i got out.

"thank you" i said

"no problem" he said with a grin

we walked in to the restaurant to find my sister and Liam already in a booth. each were both on different sides.

"ok so do you have a plan on how we can get them on the same side of the booth" i asked Harry

"we'll see if this works"he whispered. he got his cell phone out and put it to his ear like he was talking to someone and intertwined our fingers with his free hand while we walked to the booth

"yea yea hold on" he said as we reached the booth "Liam managements on the phone they want to talk to us about the tour" he said to Liam

"oh ok lets go outside" Liam said while sliding out of the booth and walking to the door

"sit in his seat and when we come back he will have to sit next to your sister" he whispered to me , but tried to cover it up by kissing me on the cheek. with that he went outside

"so you and Liam huh" i asked my sister while sliding in to the booth across from her

"i know what your doing Bella" she said

"care to elaborate" i said playing dumb

"you are trying to get Liam and i together" she stated

"and if i was" i asked

"you would be the best sister in the whole world" she said with a smile upon her face

"oh and you don't know about this little matchmaking thing got it" i said

"got it the boys just walked in to let you know" she said glancing behind me and i nodded

Harry's POV

i walked threw the doors to the parking lot with my phone pressed to ear with Liam trailing behind me. i kept saying yes and i got it in to the phone even though there was no one on the other line, but i had to get Liam out of the restaurant some how.

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