She's No You

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Authors Note

Sorry for the long wait guys so to make up for it I tried to make this chapter extra long hopefully it is

Song on the side is "She's No You"By Jesse McCartney.Its an Amazing song and its also the title of this chapter.Sorry for any mistakes it like almost 5am so there might be a couple mistakes so just bear with me.

This chapter is dedicated the the PHENOMENIALL @Anonymousbosch who is an AMAZAYN fan and Has incredible stories so PLEASE check her and her stories out she really deserves it

Anyways VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Harry's POV

 I was now in the living room sitting on the couch flipping through the TV channels, Bella went home a couple hours ago, because Steph demanded her to go home so she could tell her about our date.I didn't want our date to be cut short, but hey we get to be seen together in public in a month.There was still one problem i would be going on tour in four days.

"What's wrong mate"A voice said breaking me out of my thoughts. i looked up and saw Liam taking a seat next to me with Louis following behind.Louis was sitting on the other side of Liam with his eyes glued to his phone.

"nothing" I muttered

"come on Harry we know something is wrong"Louis said

"fine, i still haven't told Bella that we are going on tour in four days" i groaned.Liam looked at me wide eyed and Louis dropped his phone and gave me the same look

"what"I asked

"We haven't told our girl friends either"Liam stated

 "great at least i won't get killed alone" I joked

"We are screwed"Louis groaned

i started to think i should just head over to Bella's house and tell her now its only 10pm and she usually stays up late. after debating about it for a couple minutes i decided to finally go. I got up from my seat and grabbed my keys

"Where are you off to"Liam asked

"Bella's I'm going to tell her"I said putting my shoes on

"Can we come"Liam asked

"yea Serena is staying over at their house and plus we can tell them all together"Louis explained

"Alright come on"I said

they put on their shoes and we got in the car and headed to Bella's house

as soon as i spotted the familiar house i pulled in to the drive way and we all got out and headed towards the front door

Liam,Louis and I start knocking on the door like man men until the door opened revealing an angry Stephanie

"Sorry Love"Liam apologized and hugged her

"What are you guys doing here"Steph asked while hugging Liam back

"We have important news to tell you girls"I said

"Where are Bella and Serena"Louis asked

"They are in the living room, come on in"She said gesturing for us to come in and then shut the door behind us

as we were walking in to  the living room i heard Bella say "He is soo Hot" and Serena reply with "I know right"

Louis and I busted in to the room to see Bella and Serena laying upside down and the sofa watching some Tv show

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