Chapter 10

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She took a deep breath in. If this plan didn't work, then it could cause even more of a disaster, but if all went according to plan, it would hopefully put an end to all the fighting. She furrowed her brows as she broke into a sprint.

She ran to Dabi and Shigaraki, who were fighting, quite literally, back to back. Uraraka slowly placed one of her hands on Shigaraki's shoulder, and the other on Dabi's. They both looked behind their shoulders, but before they could react, Uraraka activated her quirk once again. As their feet traveled off of the rough ground, a smirk spread across her face.

'My quirk IS really powerful!'  She thought as they floated higher and higher. Everyone had stopped to look up at  the helpless floating villains. They almost reached the ceiling of the training ground before Uraraka released them.

As the two villains fell freely, Uraraka heard gasps. A few seconds after she released them, she heard two loud thuds. She looked over to the sound, but had to shield her eyes from the dirt that had been kicked up. When it finally cleared, there were the bodies of Dabi and Shigaraki.

"Are they...dead!?" Mina exclaimed as her hands covered her mouth. Aizawa cautiously walked over the their bodies and he placed his fingers in their necks. He let out a large breath.

"They're just unconscious." Aizawa said as he stood up.

Suddenly, Uraraka felt a hand on her shoulder. She slowly turned her head, the pit in her stomach growing. Unsurprisingly, Deku was there behind her. His face was unreadable. There was no emotion showing through. His grip on her shoulder tightened as his eyes moved to the bodies in the center of the circle of students.

"So." He said. "I take time to come and see you after months, and you knock my colleges unconscious?" He said through clenched teeth. Uraraka whipped around in disbelief.

"Are you serious!? Your 'colleges' tried to kill the whole class!" She snapped. "If I hadn't used my quirk on them half to death, WE would be the ones dead!"

"...But it felt good, didn't it?" He said as he stared into her eyes.


"Didn't it feel good to use your quirk like that? Didn't you feel...powerful?" He clarified. Uraraka stared at her hands. He was right right. It did feel good to use her quirk that way. She felt unstoppable, dominant, as if she, for once, had the upper hand in life. Until now, she only felt like an accessory to her friend's more exciting lives. But Uraraka couldn't say that. Still, Deku let out a small chuckle.

"I knew you it. You like the power, don't you-" Before Deku could finish, the door flew open with a smack. In the doorway stood Sero, Kirishima, and Vlad King. "Well then, Kurogiri! Get the bodies!" Deku commanded. He snapped his fingers and Kurogiri swooped down from the rock, swallowed Dabi and Shigaraki, then retreated to the edge of the building. Vlad King took off running from the opposite side of the building. Deku started running to Kurogiri, and, as is her feet had a mind of their own, Uraraka ran after him.

Soon enough, they both stood in front of Kurogiri's portal body. Deku had one foot inside the portal when he turned around and looked Uraraka in the eyes. He reached out a hand.

"If you want to join me, this is your final chance to decide." He said with a smile. Uraraka looked at Deku, then her classmates, then back at Deku. As she looked at her classmates again, an uncontrollable laugh broke through her lips. She looked at her hands and clenched them into fists.

Gasps rang out as Urarka grabbed Deku's hand. "I'll see you all around." She said as stepped in the portal. As she faded into the black, she waved to her former classmates, her giggles still persistant. She looked to Deku beside her. He dragged a finger underneath Uraraka's chin, pushing it up to his level. He smirked.

"Welcome to the family."

Who I Used to Know ~IZUOCHA~(completed)Where stories live. Discover now