Chapter 1

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"Gwendolyn! Do you have everything you need?"

Gwen skimmed through her luggage, popping her head out of the doorway of her rarely occupied room. "Yes, Aunt Ellen!"

"Well, get down here! The car is here!"

"Yes, Aunt Ellen!"

Gwen quickly grabbed her few bags that held her belongings and trudged down the stairs of her aunt and uncle's home, trying not to trip and tumble down the flight of stairs.

For the seventh year in a row, Gwen had prepared to leave for boarding school. Boarding school was the best place for her, or, so her aunt and uncle assured her. She was sent home during the summer, enduring the months that she lodged with her extended family. 

Ever since her parents were tragically killed in a train collision when she was eight, Gwen was given the choice of being sent to the orphanage, or go live with her only surviving relatives. She chose her family, seeing as she believed that they would take her with open arms.

In the days ahead, she realized how wrong she had turned out to be.

The first year was less than mediocre at best. But, then, as time passed, life with Robert and Ellen Brookes began to decline. Yes, Gwen always had a roof over her head, shoes on her feet, clothes on her back, and food to eat, but, it was just for appearances. She knew because that's what she had been told for years.

Robert and Ellen Brookes didn't have children of their own for a reason. Outside, they were the almost perfect couple, living the perfect life, but the inside held much more. Hatred, bitterness, and selfishness were just a few of the things they both had harbored in their souls since they were children, hidden well throughout the years of their lives. 

When Robert lost his brother, he was horrified because he knew he would be sentenced to take care of his brother's child. Ellen was openly opposed to it from the start, just as he had been. Many arguments had taken place over this fact, but in the end, their niece would come live with them.

No, Gwen had never done anything except love them, be good, respect them as she would have with her real parents. But none of that mattered to the couple. So, to avoid taking care of her, Gwen was shipped off to boarding school at age ten, only coming back during the summer. Life had been hard enough for the poor dear as it was with losing her parents and trying to cope with the grief. Then she had to deal with the cruel teachers and students at the school.

 As her first summer without her parents approached, Gwen began to actually anticipate it. She looked forward to seeing her family again. When she came back to what she had thought she could call "home", it wasn't what she had anticipated. She expected a hug or two, only receiving a stiff smile from both and a condescending glare from her aunt. Maybe it was a bad day, she thought.

But as the days bled into weeks, then months, she realized it wasn't what she believed that day coming home from school. It was as bad as school; no, worse. She would get yelled at over the smallest thing. She would be spoken to roughly. She was never physically abused, no, but it was all piling up mentally and emotionally. 

Hurt and other feelings only grew over the years. Despite it all, Gwen was thankful for all her family did for her and she tried to keep up her spirits. She would remind herself that she wasn't fully alone. She had the Pevensies.

The years had passed, and she had kept up with them, the friendship bond between her and the siblings growing as close as it could to resembling family. She was beyond grateful for them, not knowing what she'd have done without them.

"You're sure that you have everything? Because once you leave, that's it. You're not getting it until next summer." Ellen snapped.

Gwen looked down. "Yes, Aunt Ellen. I'm sure."

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