Chapter 23

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The archers fired their arrows, driving the dragon back to land.

"I'm getting Gael below." Gwen hurried the young girl forward. 

Gael twisted the knob to the door as the ship rocked. Both girls shrieked, clinging onto each other. 

"Are you okay, dear?" 

Gael nodded and hurried into the room, Gwen following. 

"Sit against the bed right there! Stay here until your father, myself, or Lucy comes for you, okay?" 

Gael nodded again, seeming too frightened to speak. 

As Gwen stumbled up to the helm again, she found Lucy's expression exuding sheer fright. 

"It has Ed!" she exclaimed. 

Gwen's heart plummeted to her stomach. Gwen stood in her place, frozen. She didn't know what to do. 

"I. . . I. . ." 

"Gwen, what do we do?" Lucy asked. 

Gwen took a breath. "I don't know." She turned to Drinian. "What do we do?" 

"We wait, Miss Gwendolyn. There ain't much we can do. We just wait." 

"Well, what about Caspian? He's still there!" She pointed to the island. 

"King Caspian knows what to do in these situations, I'm sure." 

Gwen turned around in time to find the dragon returning to land. 

"Look!" she exclaimed. 

The dragon lowered to the ground and flew up again, revealing Edmund standing next to Caspian. 

"Oh," both girls sighed in relief, shoulders dropping. 

Caspian raised his arm, waving at the crew. 

"King Caspian needs us. Prepare to go ashore!" Drinian shouted. 

"I'll go get Gael," Lucy said. 

Gwen nodded. Relief overtook any other emotion she could experience. Her breathing began to regulate, and she was one of the first into the longboat. 

They came to shore and the dragon landed on the sandy ground. 

The crew exchanged fearful looks. 

"It's fine, we're safe." Caspian said. 

"The dragon's Eustace," Edmund explained. 

Gwen watched as Lucy nearly fell over the side of the boat. "What?!" she exclaimed. 

"Calm, Lu," Edmund said. 

"Calm?! Our cousin is a dragon!" 

Gwen placed her hands on Lucy's shoulders. "It's alright. We'll find a way to reverse. . .however this happened." She looked at Caspian. "Right?" she mouthed. 

He nodded. "Exactly, Gwen's right. We'll get it reversed." 

Lucy's shoulders still refused to relax. 

"He must have been tempted by the treasure," Edmund said.  

"Well, anyone knows a dragon's treasure is enchanted," Caspian said.

The dragon--Eustace--blew smoke and let out a growl. 

"Well, anyone from here," Caspian added, shooting an embarrassed look at Gwen. She hid a smile. 

Lucy ventured toward Eustace, removing the too small, cursed golden cuff from his scaly wrist. He roared in pain as it came off. 

"Is there any way to change him back?" Edmund asked.

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