Chapter 31

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"My Lady, it's forty-five minutes before mealtime. Shall I pull a gown for you?" 

Gwen opened her eyes, seeing Tamera hovering above. 


Tamera giggled. "My lady, it's time to wake up," 

Gwen rose slowly. "What?" 

"We must get you ready for mealtime. Shall I pull a gown for you?"

"Um, yes, thank you. How long have I been asleep?"

"Nearly an hour, my lady." Tamera began looking through the wardrobes. 

Gwen straightened out her clothes as she stood. 

"I think you'll like this one, my lady. It will look beautiful on you," 

Gwen inhaled. "I love it," 

"King Caspian told us about you and we made all of these as quickly as we could. All of us maids were hard at work. I hope they fit. You still have some gowns being finished." 

Gwen fingered the fabric, gently smiling. "I love it."

"I think His Majesty will love it." Mischief twinkled in Tamera's dark eyes. 

"I think so too." 


Caspian waited at the doors, hardly able to contain his nerves. He hoped his council wouldn't be harsh to Gwen. They were kind men, but only Aslan knew how they would react to her. 

The door opened and he pivoted on his heel. Tamera stood behind the door. 

"Your Majesty, may I present your fiancée, Lady Gwendolyn." 

Tamera opened the door fully, revealing Gwen. 

His jaw slowly dropped. She was gorgeous. 

She wore a purple dress that complimented her thin figure. The neckline dipped into a square. Gold detailing lined parts of the dress. Her hair had been braided back and a circlet with a short veil attached placed on top. 

Tamera curtsied quickly and left, leaving the two alone. 

"What do you think?" Gwen swallowed. 

"You never fail to take my breath from me."

She smiled. "You like it then?" 

He nodded. 

"I was hoping so. Do I . . . do I look the part?" 

"Gwendolyn, even wearing trousers as you did aboard the Treader you look like a queen." 

She laughed. "Thank you." He offered her his arm and she took it, leaning her head on him. 

"I'm nervous," she whispered, it echoing against the walls. 

"Everything is going to go smoothly, I promise. Tonight gives you a chance to meet the lords before tomorrow." 

"Will it just be the lords and your council?" 

"Yes, their wives stay at their estates unless there's a ball. The lords are my council. It's just one group.  Which, I'm going to warn you, they are going to call for a celebration of our engagement. Trumpkin will also be present. " 

"Well, at least I have someone else there that I know." 

They arrived at the doors of the dining room, and two guards readied themselves to open them. 

He looked down. "Ready?" 

She took a breath. "Yes."

Caspian nodded to the guards, and they opened the doors. Gwen watched those that surrounded the table stand. 

I Will Always Love You-Prince Caspian X OCWhere stories live. Discover now