Chapter 2

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Gwen absorbed her surroundings, silent. The Pevensies were all elated at the sight of the room, disbelief and awe written across their features. The stone walls around them showed great age; some cracks were forming, and others were well into breaking down. Gwen pressed her hand against the wall to steady herself, feeling the layer of dirt and grime. She grimaced, rubbing her hand against the bottom hem of her skirt.

 After Lucy stopped looking out over a ledge, Gwen took her place. Below, some chests and statues oddly resembled what she thought the Pevensies would look like once they grew into adults.

Once they all came to the bottom of the stairs, Peter pushed an iron gate open.

"I can't believe it," he said. "It's all still here."

Lucy ran forward to a chest, opening it up. The others followed suit, leaving Gwen to stand awkwardly behind, observing. Some parts of stone littered the floor and some plant life grew through. 

How long has this place been abandoned? she thought. 

As she watched, she could tell that this was some sort of treasury. Despite the age, it was beautiful. 

"Gwen, come here." Lucy flagged her down and Gwen hurried forward in wonder. Her eyes widened as she looked inside Lucy's chest, full of dresses and other valuables. 

"I think this would fit you, Gwen. It suits you." 

Gwen held the emerald green gown up to her figure, fingering the fabric. "It's marvelous." 

Susan searched through her belongings, garnering Lucy and Gwen's attention. 

"What is it?" 

"My horn," she explained. "I must've left it on my saddle the day we went back." She focused on Gwen. "It was a beautiful ivory horn. Once it was blown, help would come when it was most needed." 

Gwen stood in wonder. What kind of place was this? she thought. 

The siblings all turned as Peter opened his chest. He brought out a large sword, unsheathing it. "When Aslan bares his teeth, winter meets its death." 

"When he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again. Everyone we knew...Mr. Tumnus and the beavers...they're all gone." Lucy sadly added. 

Their expressions became downcast. Gwen knew that the people Lucy spoke of were dear to their hearts. It broke her own seeing how troubled they were. 

"I think it's time we found out what's going on," Peter said. 

"We should get out of these clothes. Mine are still damp." Edmund said. 

"We'll turn around and let you two get ready, then we'll change," Gwen said. 

The girls turned their backs as the boys changed and the boys did the same as the girls dressed. 

Susan began to pull the strings tighter on the back of Gwen's dress and as it came closer to her figure, she was shocked by how much she liked it. 

"Oh, Gwen," Lucy sighed. "You look beautiful." 

She smiled. "Thank you, Lu. So do you." 

As they finished, Gwen turned to the siblings. "So, what now?" 

"We try to find anyone or anything we can. We find out what is going on, and go from there."

Peter began to look through his chest again, pulling out two daggers. He handed them to Gwen along with the belt to store them in. 

"You may need these. Better safe than sorry." 

She nodded, accepting them gratefully. She didn't know anything about Narnia, so it was nice to have something to defend herself with if she would require doing so. 

I Will Always Love You-Prince Caspian X OCWhere stories live. Discover now