Chapter 21

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Gwen and Caspian hadn't spoken much a few days later. Due to the business of trying to chart their course and make sure they had everything they needed, Caspian was swamped. Then Gwen exhausted from the constant terror of seeing her aunt and uncle in her dreams every night, didn't really want to speak with anyone. 

But she wasn't the only one who had been plagued and worried and tested. 

Caspian's head spun and he sat back in his chair, sighing. He needed a break. He needed to talk to Gwen. 

He walked out onto the deck, noting the cloudy skies. The weather was beginning to change and not for the ship's benefit.

Gwen was looking out over the railing, heaving a heavy sigh. 

"Are you well?" Caspian asked.

She looked up at him. "Can I be honest with you?" 

"You know you always can be." 

"Caspian, I'm exhausted. I'm not sleeping. Nightmares are haunting me like crazy. I think this is what Coriakin was speaking of a week ago." 

"I'm sorry." His hand patted hers.

Gwen gave in to her sudden whim and embraced him. He gladly accepted it. No words were spoken, but it seemed that every single one they could share was shared at the same time. 

"We're going to get through this," he whispered. 

"I hope so." 


Lucy and Edmund looked at each other from the other side of the ship. Gwen and Caspian were embracing, his head resting on top of hers. 

"Do you think he's going to ask her soon?" Lucy looked at Edmund. 

"I don't know. I hope so." 


Gwen pulled away from Caspian, tucking a piece of loose hair behind her ear. 

Caspian gazed down at her. "Gwen, there's something I've been wishing to tell you and I hope I can get it out now."

Gwen's eyes widened in curiosity. 

"Gwen, I--"

"Your Majesty!" 

Caspian turned to see Drinian calling him. 

"An important manner has come up."

"I'm coming." Caspian turned back to Gwen. 

"Go take care of what you must. I'm not going anywhere." she weakly joked. 

"Come with me. Whatever it is, it must be important and I value your opinion. Please." 

A small smile came up. "Okay." 

Gwen followed Caspian and they followed Drinian into Caspian's quarters. 

Drinian pointed to a spot on the map. 

"This here is where we are. Rations are beginning to run low, and we still don't know exactly where this Ramandu place is. And this place here," Drinian pointed to another place, "is where we're headed. It's notorious for storms and tempests. Sailors call it the Ship Necropolis. Ships have gone down here like bugs to a flame. The crew is beginning to get anxious. I suspect their temptations have already begun and it doesn't help that we're headed for such a place." 

Caspian rubbed the back of his neck. "They aren't the only ones."

"Are there any islands surrounding where we are?" Gwen asked. 

I Will Always Love You-Prince Caspian X OCWhere stories live. Discover now