Chapter 33

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Two weeks later, Gwen sighed as she dropped onto her bed. 

Between learning the duties of a queen, to planning her wedding, she was severely fatigued. The mental strain was heavy, especially with Lord Calenmore still disparaging her. 

She still had yet to tell Caspian; she thought he had enough on him without her burdening him. But it kept eating at her. Every time she saw Caspian, she wanted to tell him, but couldn't bring herself to do so. 

She had determined, however, that today was going to be the day. She was going to tell him. 

She knocked on the door of his study, where they had spent so much time together. 

"Caspian?" She opened it. There she saw Caspian and Lord Calenmore bent over some pieces of parchment that lay on his desk.  

She began to shake, clasping her hands behind her back. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't mean to intrude," 

"No, it's alright. What can I do for you?" 

"Well, uh, I was just coming to check on you. See how you were doing." 

"Ah, you picked a fine woman, Your Majesty. This is a good quality in a wife,"

Anger bubbled in Gwen's chest at the backhanded comment. 

Caspian smiled. "I'm doing well. Thank you--" 

"Wonderful, I'll be going then." She bobbed a curtsy and quickly left before either could say another word. 

Maybe today wasn't going to be the day after all. 


Caspian sat at his desk, rubbing his temples. Thankfully he was done with looking over his business matters for the day. Now all he had to do was find Gwen. 

She had been acting strange lately. She seemed to be at constant unease and jittery, which wasn't like her in the least. Then last week, when she had popped in and out of his study, she had tensed. Something was worrying her. 

But hopefully, his good news would help her. 

He found her staring at a tapestry on the wall in the corridors. 

"Gwen." He kissed her head. 

She turned and smiled. "Hello. You seem happy." 

"I am because I have good news. I have found a way and it's been sent out for the banns. We can get married in two weeks instead of another month." 

He had never seen her grin as widely as she was then. She jumped up, latching her arms around his neck. 

"Oh, Caspian, that's wonderful!" 

He spun around, holding tight to her. Her laugh echoed. He sat her down and she was still grinning from ear to ear.

"Only two weeks?" 

"Yes. It all worked out,"

She looked around, seeming to try and take the information in. 

"I'm so happy. Oh, I have to go let Tamera know! She'll be so stressed if she doesn't find out now! I'll see you later, love." She ran off down the halls. 

Through her rush, she barely missed bumping into her uncle. 

"Where are you going in such a rush?" he chuckled. 

"Caspian and I are going to be married in two weeks instead of a month, now! I'm hurrying to find Tamera, my maid. She and the other maids need to know for my dress. I'll see you at dinner!" 

I Will Always Love You-Prince Caspian X OCWhere stories live. Discover now