Chapter 50

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Caspian stopped in his tracks.

 Gwen wasn't even fifteen feet away from him. 

He had never been so relieved in his life.

 Her once braided hair was hanging loosely and disheveled, dirt streaked from her neck up, and her dress was torn and dirty. But even so, she was still the most beautiful sight his weary eyes had seen. 

"Guards, seize the traitor and take him to a cell!" 

Caspian met Gwen halfway, picking her up and holding her tightly. She sobbed, her body shaking. 

"I thought you were dead! They told me you were dead! I never thought I'd see you again!"

"I almost was. Thank Aslan you're alive." He set her down, taking her face in his palms gently. "You're well? You're unharmed?"

She nodded, tears still falling. "I've grieved for you for over a week." 

"I love you so much, Gwendolyn," he whispered.

"I love you too. Oh, I love you," 

They embraced, holding on to each other tighter than they ever had before. Caspian felt her ribs shake as she took a breath. 

Her muffled voice came. 

"What? I can't hear you, darling." He pulled away.

She looked up at him, hand poised over her abdomen. "I thought I was pregnant, Caspian,"

Caspian's heart began to race. Has she suffered a miscarriage, left to grieve, without me here to comfort her over the loss?  "Were you?" he breathed.

"No, I wasn't. I never was," her voice broke again as she fell into his chest.

Caspian sighed, sorrow filling his tone. He tightened his arm around her. "I'm so sorry, darling. It's going to be alright,"

"Your Majesty," 

The couple turned, seeing a battered Trumpkin. 

"Oh, Uncle," Gwen said, relieved. "I'd embrace you, but--"

He smiled. "Don't think about it, girl. I'm just glad to see both of you alive and well. But I do come bearing news. Alejandro is dead. He chose to . . . stop living."

Gwen groaned.

"That was eventually going to happen, anyway," Caspian said. "The punishment for overthrowing the monarchy is death. I wanted to change that law as well, but I couldn't. I . . . hate that it happened, but it was going to end that way anyhow. You're sure he's dead?" 

Trumpkin nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty. I witnessed it myself." 

Caspian nodded, still trying to take in everything. His cousin was dead. The battle was over. "Right. Thank you, Trumpkin. Please go to the healer and get patched up." 

He bowed and left. 

Gwen broke out into a fresh round of tears and Caspian pulled her close. As he turned, he saw a body on the floor. His heart clenched as he realized it was Lord Gaspar. 

"Casp--Caspian, Princess Shileenah and Lord Gaspar died getting me--out of my cell. Lord Gaspar acted like he--was on Alejandro's side. And I believed him. I never forgave--him before he died. Shileenah helped me out--and got shot down. I watched it happen." 

"How was she here?"

"She was apparently engaged to Alejandro. Calenmore was here too,"

He tightened his arms around her as she held onto him. She's gone through so much. She's handled it all so well. "I'm so sorry, darling. I'm so sorry. I'm so proud of you," 

"I want them to receive honors at their burials,"

"They will. They deserve it. The fighting is over. We won," 

He didn't bother to look around to see who was where, as he pressed his lips to hers, to which she quickly responded. It was a more welcome action after what they both had gone through. 

Gwen hummed as he pulled away. 

"Oh!" she exclaimed. He watched as she pulled a ring off of her thumb. "This is yours."

He took it from her, sliding it back onto its rightful place. 

"Where did you get this?"  

"Lord Calenmore came in and . . . told me you were killed when they burnt the camp down. I called him a liar, and he threw your ring down as proof. How much of what he said was true?" 

"The camp did burn, and we lost three hundred of our men. Two hundred were left. I was nearly one of those three hundred. I feel quite guilty that I'm still living, and they aren't."

"I do, too. Shileenah and Gaspar gave their lives to save me . . . I shouldn't be living. But I am," 

"It's something we must live with, I guess. Something that Aslan has allowed,"

She nodded. "With his help, I think we'll recover from it," 

"Come on, let's get you out of here,"


"So, what else is on the list?" Caspian asked. 

Gwen looked over the parchment at the tasks they needed to complete. "Well, we've sent out the letters and gifts thanking the families of the deceased heroes, Gaspar's family included. Um, the treaty papers are signed with Archenland. Rebuilding plans for all the things damaged in the fighting are underway. And I think that's everything. We've already taken care of the rest." 

He nodded. "That sounds right," 

"And we also have the plans in motion for your birthday celebration," 

"Darling, I've told you, I don't want--" 

"Caspian, after everything that happened two weeks ago, people are still healing and need a distraction. You stopped the war along with the soldiers. They are more grateful to you than they ever have been before. We even took a poll--because I knew you'd react like this--and the people said they wanted to celebrate you. Besides, you deserve it, my love." She kissed his head. 

He took her hand, kissing it. "Alright. It's still two months away, though. Much can happen in that time." 

"I know.  But we're still planning on it,"

A month and a half later, Gwen looked at her new dress, worry gnawing at her. She turned to Tamera and her new maid, Maria. Lydia was absent, still healing from her head injury. 

"Do you think we should fix it? I don't know if this is going to work," 

"Well, my lady, we can fix these two areas and you should be able to wear it," Maria said as she pulled at the fabric, showing what could be done. 

"Will it be finished in enough time for Caspian's birthday?"

"Between Maria, myself, and the other ladies, we will have it fixed in no time, Your Majesty." Tamera smiled. "It's the least we can do." 

Gwen sighed as she observed the dress again. She hoped that it would be fixed in time. If not, she didn't know what she would do. 

"I'm sorry, girls, I'm just so nervous." She ran her hands down the fabric. 

"Oh, don't worry, Your Majesty," Maria consoled. 

"Everything will turn out quite alright." Tamera patted Gwen's hand. 

Gwen took a shaky breath, keeping back tears. "I just want everything to be perfect," 

"And it shall be," Maria said. 


Gwen took her friends' hands, squeezing them tightly. "Thank you both so much. I don't know what I'd do without my ladies," 

I Will Always Love You-Prince Caspian X OCWhere stories live. Discover now