Chapter 46

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Caspian looked over his desk again, making sure everything was in order. He saw the small dagger Gwen had given him after their wedding. 

He smiled as he picked it up, running his fingers over the engravement. He sheathed it, deciding to take it with him. He opened the door to their chambers. 

Gwen was speaking with her two ladies, embracing them both when he walked in.

"I'll be fine, just make sure you both stay safe," 

"We will," Lydia said. 

Caspian cleared his throat and the women turned. Lydia and Tamera bobbed curtsies. 

"It's time," 

Gwen nodded. "You're dismissed,"

The two women curtsied and left. 

"Are you ready?" he asked. 

She sighed. "I think so. I don't think I forgot anything." 

He grabbed their bags, and they left their chambers. 

"Now, darling, we're going to be at the front so I'm going to warn you; these are rough men, and I don't want you being alone or leaving my side, right?" 

"Okay." Her voice quivered. "I won't lie, I'm nervous, but this isn't any different from when we were here helping you take the throne back from Miraz." 

"Yes, sort of. You can always back--"

"No, I'm not backing out. I'm coming," 

He smiled. "Okay, okay," 


They arrived at the camp on the battlefront. A pungent smell hit Gwen's nose, making her scrunch it in disgust. She didn't know what it was, but it was bad. 

Smoke from fires around clouded their surroundings. The sound of metal against metal shrieked. Men's voices muffled together. 

Gwen grabbed Caspian's hand, her nerves beginning to show. He gripped her hand tightly. As Caspian slid off the horse, a man dressed in chainmail approached them. 

"Your Majesty." The man knelt, fist pressed to his chest. 

"General," Caspian greeted him. He quickly helped Gwen off the horse. 

"This must be our queen," the man said. 

Gwen shyly nodded and smiled. "Hello, General. It's nice to meet you," 

"You as well, my queen. If I may say, I'm quite shocked you're here. This place is quite barbaric for a lady." 

"Well, she insisted that she come." Caspian chuckled. "She wanted to help." 

"I will let you and the king work things out, but I only have one question. Do you have any wounded?"

The general nodded. "Yes, we actually do. It's just a few minor things, please, come this way." 


Five days had passed, and Gwen had run out of supplies. The soldiers were coming in left and right for injuries, causing her to have hardly anything left over. Little squabbles between their army and the enemy were already taking place. 

"I have to go back to the castle to get more supplies," 

"I'll go with you," Caspian said. "You can't go on your own. Archenland's army is already compiling more so in the distance."

"No, you're needed here. Just send a few guards with me, and I'll be fine. It shouldn't take too long. We'll reach the castle by nightfall, so I may spend the night." 

I Will Always Love You-Prince Caspian X OCWhere stories live. Discover now