Part Six - Rescue

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Andie had found her way to a bench on the street, her leg bounced up and down in anxiety and she tensed up whenever someone passed her as they walked down the street. New York wasn't  a safe place at the best of times, never mind at night and she looked fairly vulnerable. She had managed to calm herself down and was no longer a blubbering mess, but a physical one instead. Now not only was her cheek bleeding and forming a bruise, but she had gnawed so hard onto her lip it was sore.

Tony's car rolled up and Andie nearly sprinted right over. He got out the car and his heart broke at the sight of his late friend's daughter, she was so fragile and broken. Then, he clocked the marking on her cheek and he felt even worse. Tony had a blanket in his hand from his car and wrapped it around the girl and it was only then that she realised she was shivering.

No words were exchanged between the two, but he surprised her by pulling her into a hug. Andie was stiff to start with, not wanting to get blood onto his suit, but she relaxed into it when she realised he didn't care. 

"Let's get you home kid." He ushered her over to the car, covering her head to make sure she didn't hit it as she sat in the low-rise car and shut the door on her as she took her seat. Tony didn't need an explanation and she was grateful for it. The car ride was also quiet as she wrapped herself up in the blanket and stared blankly out the window.

"Thankyou, Tony." Her voice was coarse from yelling earlier, "I didn't know who else to call."

"I'm glad you did, kid. I told your Mom I'd look after you and I want to." He stayed focussed on the road as he pulled into the garage of the Avenger's tower. 

Honestly, Andie didn't want to go up because she knew everyone would be up there, some of them she had never even met before, what an introduction. Tony must've been able to tell by her lack of movement, what she was thinking.

"They don't bite, most of them are good guys and the others are on a mission." He joked and she gave him a sad smile, mainly for his sake, "Come on, there's a room you can have."

Andie nodded softly and opened the car door. They both made their way up the stairs and into the lift, his hand rested at the top of her blanket-covered back for comfort. Andie seemed to get so nervous whenever she was in this elevator for a different reason every time.

The doors opened to reveal Thor, Bucky, Steve and Bruce. There was such an awkward silence as both parties took in each other. She saw Steve, Bruce and Thor with pitiful, sad smiles on their faces. Then there was Bucky. Bucky was an entire rollercoaster of emotions, there was shock, sadness and then anger as his metal fist clenched up.

Andie, Andie looked like a different person than what those who had met her had seen her like. She was always so put together and refined, yet here she was, barefooted, makeup smeared across her face and her lips were puffy from crying, but everyone clocked the purpling gash across her cheek and the blood that stuck out of the top of her white blouse which peaked out the blanket.

"He's a dead man." Bucky muttered and went to move, but Steve put an arm across his chest, stopping him.

"Not now buddy, we'll sort that tomorrow." Steve said calmly and Bucky knew he was right, he wanted to make sure Andie was okay first.

"Come on, I'll show you to your room." Tony ushered the very numb girl to her bedroom and she padded her way along beside him. Bucky had clocked how weird it was to see her walking around here without the following noise of her heels hitting the floors, it was sad actually.

The room Tony had shown her was almost identical to Bucky's, which confirmed her suspicions that he hadn't changed it at all.

"And then there's a bathroom through there." He explained to her and she nodded softly,

"Thankyou again, Tony." She spoke, but it only came out as a whisper, "I feel like all I do lately is thank you." She joked lightly.

"Like I said kid, I want to make sure you're okay." He planted a fatherly kiss to her forehead which she appreciated, "Let me know when you want to talk, try to get some sleep." He gave her an encouraging smile before shutting the door behind him as he left.

The room was completely silent at that point, she stood on the spot, wrapping the blanket around herself tighter as she took in the silence of the room, not knowing what to do with herself. She perched herself tentatively at the foot of the bed and her attention was brought up to a knock at her door.

"Come in." She croaked. The door creaked open to see a worried looking Bucky peering through, her mood lifted slightly at his sight, "Hey, Buck."

He liked the sound of the nickname, especially coming from her mouth, "Can I come in?" He was being extra cautious as he understand she might not wanna be around anyone at the moment, men in particular.

"Of course, yeah." She patted the side of the bed beside her and he took her offer. He slowly reached up and wiped away any blood that was still left on her cheek. Bucky kind of expected her to flinch, and honestly, she expected to as well, but she didn't. Instead she found comfort in his coarse and rough hands that had found its way to hold her face.

Bucky was frustrated and angry as he furrowed his brows at the face that was so desperately trying to be brave in front of him. What kind of low-life, brain-dead degenerate of a guy could lay a finger on her? He so desperately wanted to ask what happened and it was like she read his mind,

"He uh, he trashed my house." She lowered her face to look down at her fingers fiddling in her lap, "I withdrew all my money from our shared account and he got pissed at me for it." 

Bucky understood what happened and felt bold, so he pulled her against his chest, pulled her legs over his knees and rested his chin on the top of her head. He rubbed his thumb along her arm soothingly and smiled slightly as he realised he was right, her hair did smell good. He couldn't help himself as he planted a kiss to her hair, it felt natural. Andie agreed, her head fit perfectly into the crook of his neck and she was absorbed by the manly smell of his aftershave, also she couldn't help but swoon at how smooth he was at bringing her into a cuddle.

"Doll?" Andie could feel the vibrations of his voice when he spoke with her head on his chest.

"Hm?" She acknowledged.

"I'm running you a bath."

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