Part Thirteen - Party

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"Jeez Andie, how long does it take to get ready?" Nat complained

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"Jeez Andie, how long does it take to get ready?" Nat complained.

Andie had composed herself a little since her 'make up' with Bucky. She went and fixed her hair and makeup in their bathroom and felt slightly embarrassed by how wild he had made her in that moment. Bucky made her feel and want to do things she had never done before and it was so exciting it felt dangerous. Foreplay or teasing or anything really beyond vanilla sex wasn't something she had experienced before with Harry or any other guy really. 

Harry was the only guy she had slept with before and it always felt like it was something she was giving  to him rather than an experience they were sharing and it's only now she realising how wrong she was. Sex was for both people involved, its an equal experience and not something she should feel obliged to hand over and Bucky is making her value herself so much more. It was bizarre to her that he got off so much on making her feel good, but she wasn't complaining about it.

"Sorry, I got distracted." Andie's eyes flicked over to Bucky who had waited a few minutes to join the party after her.

"Good job it was worth the wait, you look incredible." Wanda beamed up at Andie and she returned it.

"Hey, I did a good job with you too." Wanda did a little twirl as she was clearly happy with Andie's fashion advice in her black halter-neck dress that really accentuated her body. 

Andie's eyes scanned the room that was full of people, most of them she didn't know as they worked closer with the Avenger's specifically so they were mainly agents. It made her slightly anxious that they were only a few faces she recognised in the crowd, but she had committed now, no going back,

"I think it's time for a drink." She decided it might help with the nerves.

Then as if on cue, Thor turned up with three martini's in his big paw-like hands, "Ladies." He announced himself and handed them around to us.

"You know..." Andie started, the tone of voice playful, "That pool table has been calling out to me since I started staying here, anyone want a game?"

"I will, but lets make it interesting." Thor volunteered, "You win, I'll bring you drinks for the rest of the night, a personal bartender, if you will."

"I like the sound of this." Andie sipped her martini.

"But, if I win, you do three shots of this with me." He withdrew a hip-flask from his belt.

She raised her eyebrows and teased, "Sounds like you're trying to get me drunk, Mr Odinson? What even is it?"

"A special brewed liquor from Asgard, 150 years old." He bragged, "And very strong."

Andie held up her pinkie finger for him to take, "You have yourself a deal, Odinson."

Thor chuckled at her version of sealing a deal with a pinkie interlock, but he played along and wrapped his around hers before they made their way to the table, Nat and Wanda rolling their eyes as if they knew this was going to get messy.

Sinner - Bucky Barnes x OC FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now