Fatherly advice

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Raven hated this.

One lazy day Raven went into her room sighing.She didn't want to do this.She hated  this.Raven clearly did not want to see her father but she had to seek assistance from someone who new his demon species.

She opened the portal making herself go through and going to her house in the demonic suburbs.She sighed one last time.The last time she was here was for her sinister 16th bday which Beastboy turned back the clock and turned Robin into a bike. That goblin could break the time barrier if he had to.

She knocked on the door and rang the evil doorbell.

"Coming" chirped her fathers voice from the other side of the door. The door then unlocked and opened revealing the two demons to eachother.

"OH Raven ! what a nice surprise to see you sweetie." Trigon said happily "Change your mind yet?" 

Raven rolled her eyes annoyed ,she expected this." NO dad." She said sternly looking to her father. "I've come because I need help identifying a specific demon. But first,you have to promise me what ever it is you wont hurt or take over my friend."

"Okay.Okay." Trigon said rolling his eyes. "Come on in i'll tell you what you need." 

The duo went inside and Raven sat at the living room couch.She took a quick glimpse of all the memories on the walls before going back to what she was focusing.

"So wheres the others ?" she asked her dad as he brought her some tea. "Oh you know." he repliedd happily. "The triplets are at daycare and granma is out doing wacky demon stuff."

"Alright" she said "Now to the point.So my friend,Beastboy recently had a bit of a incident that us titans found about a secret form he had." She looked down. She hopped this would go the way she wanted.

"Go on" He stated.

" I've done all the research I could do on this form. I know he could control it with his emotions.But,the thing is he has depression." She sighed before continuing." He does not have very good control over his emotions."

"Its very rare if one has control over their emotions for their powers."  Trigon said sipping his tea casually. "Try describing his form."  

And so,Raven started desribing her crushes form. Everything from his ears,to his horns and halo.She descried how he could start a fire too. Or put it out.  He father just stood in shock in all his years he hasnt seen something like this more than three times.

"Honey." Trigon brought himself to speak. "That is a very rare species of demon I've seen only three or four in my life.You see those are called angels of darkness." 

"Like that one song?" Raven interupted " Are you sure you aint making that up"

"The song is based off of the last time an angel of darkness was spotted. They were a bad angel and that is why they were an angel of dakness."

"But Beastboy is not evil." She stated. "Mischevious,trroublemaking,weird. But not evil." 

"True true" He said. " But from what I know from this is. He has had a very hard life. You and the titans were the best thing that ever happened to him. This is where the darkness comes in. Due to his past he could choose a path of bad. But,He refuses to be nice,and friendly. This is where his angel comes in. His werewolf is from his animal powers." 

" Beastboy would never turn evil." Raven stated "But,what about the elemental powers." 

" Oh yes, those are from his family. I know his genetics. His biological parents had elemental powers." 

 "Oh okay." she said.

"Here shugar plum he said he summoned a book or three and handed them to  her. "Take these. Read them. Then train your friend on how to control his powers." 

"Thanks father." She said setting down her now empty tea cup. She then poofed her books over to her inventory. " I should get going. AND REMEMBER  dont try to pull anything on him."

"Oh I wont I wont" He exclaimed. " I wouldnt mess with my future son in law anyways."

Raven blushed before going back to the real word. She then sighed as she entered her room and opened the first book.

"Dont worry bb help is coming."

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