Right from the start

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    Raven sighed laying back down onto her bed. After two days of reading non stop she had finished reading the books her father lent her. She still was confused but understood much more. Beastboy must have gained his form when he was turned green. He did once state that when he had the Sukutia disease he died and was brought back to life thankfully.

Beastboy did get sad when he talked about his past. Raven understood. So much pain and abuse and death he had been through. No wonder he was depressed. The Titans did a good job cheering him up when he was sad. He said joining the team was the best thing that happened to him.

Raven recalled the first night Bb was with the titans.  He was a cute little booger he was dirty and hurt but he seemed very happy to finally to have a home again. One where he wouldnt be hurt or abandoned or no one would die. Somewhere he was safe and warm.

Go back eight years

Cyborg had been gone for hours now. He had errands to run around in Jump City so that was probably to be expected. But,it was raining and was starting to ger dark. Star and Robin were playing a card game on the ground. Raven was sitting on the couch reading a book. They were all minding their own business having fun. The were only 8 and 11 at the time so it was to be expected they were slacking off.

The  elevator eventually dinged and in came Cyborg holding something big in his arms. He was extremely tall and strong for a twelve year old kid. So no one was surprised that he was carrying a six year old goblin. No one even thought it was a six year old goblin.

"Why whats that Cy?" Robin asked he and Starfire pushed aside their card game. Raven also put down her book. 

" Correction." Cyborg said "Whom is that,Robin." The robot kneeled down still cradling the small green thing.

"Its alright little man" Cyborg cooed say hi to the team" 

The little figure who was cuddled up to Cyborgs chest shifted in his place and turned his head. Revealing forest green eyes, lime green skin,and grass green hair and point little goblin ears . He made a quiet squeak. 

" AWWWE" Starfire exclaimed " Its one the lima bean things but I thought they looked the different." 

"Its not a lima bean star"  Raven said " Its a goblin. Hey little fella we wont hurt you."  she gently rubbed his head.

The goblin shrunk his head back a little bit. He seemed very shy.

" Hey little fella" Robin said happily " Im Robin, what is your name?" 

The goblin seemed to point his head back out. Of course as probably everyone else in the universe he recognized the name.  He was boy wonder afterall. 

"I Beastboy!" The go-er- Beastboy exclaimed. He peaked his head out more feeling more comfortable.

"Awwe!" Robin exclaimed. " Whered you find such a cutie Cy?" 

" I found him in an alley way" Cyborg sighed " His family died and his father was abusive and he had no one to take care of him. Though id bring him here. He has animal powers but is too scared and tired right now." 

"looks like youll fit right in little buddy!" Robin exclaimed  "  You met me and Cyborg, the purple girl is  Raven, and the ailien girl is Starfire. Were the teen titans and were going to fight crime one day."

Little Beastboys eyes sparkled at the thought. A home to live in where he would fit right in.  Whered he have food and beat up meanies. Looks like he was home."

After three hours of bathing,dressing,patching up booboos, feeding,and playing it was finally bed time. The youngsters were gathered in a spare room. They would renovate it soon enough. They were each in their own pjs and sitting on the spare bed with their newest member. 

" Have you been in a bed before?" Cyborg asked tucking littl BB in. 

"yeah" Beastboy said wishing he could snuggle the others more. 

" Well at least we know he has not been neglected" Robin said ."looks like just the case of an angry parent." 

"Its going to be the alright" Starfire cheered " Youre with the us now and we will never hurt the you."

"That is right" Raven said " Only care for and help you." 

" Youre no gonna leave Beastie right?"  Beastboy stammered " No die. No leave. No abandon." 

" No nothing" CYborg exclaimed. "We love you Beastie" 

" Louve?" Beastboy chirped out he felt like it was a forgien object. 

" You do not know what the love is?" Star exclaimed. " YOURE TELLING THE ME NO ONE HAS EVER FELT THE PASSION FOR YOU?" 

"Calm down Star." Robin said " No one probably told him. Maybe they showed they loved him in different ways and he never knew."

"Love is when you feel passion and care for someone." Raven stated "You probably never have felt love from what we know of. Or you dont remember. But I think you've felt just didnt know it." 

" Lets go to sleep" Robin said. " We'll work more in the morning."

So many years so many memories. Beastboy was able to feel loved by the titans eventually. He was able to identify love to.  Its just he had a hard time feeling love. And everyone  understood.

Back to present day

Raven sighed finishing her flashback. Beastboy still had trouble with love. It was mainly because he never felt truely loved for a long time before he met the titans. He just needed to learn to love again.

"Titans dinner!" 

Raven got up leaving the room. 

"Dont worry BB". SHe said to herself. "Ill teach you to love again."

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