Heavy weight on the shoulders

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Beastboy jumped awake. He breathed heavily for two minutes before relaxing. His head spun a little. His heart raced. He felt like he was having a heart attack. He then relaxed. Just a very bad and scary dream. He looked at himself and his surroundings. He was back in his room now toys treats and garbage surrounded him. He sighed in relief as he curled up in a ball. He was drenched in sweat and tons of it.

He put his head into his knees and tried to keep it all in.Like he could really his face was already drenched with tears. He started sobbing into his knees and didnt hold it back after not even trying for like ten seconds. He couldnt believe the nightmare he just had despite knowing this was what he saw everytime he had a night terror. He then wiped off his face and nose. He was hot and his sweat was makign him feel weird.

He went to get up. He read the clock while pulling himself. 6 am. Robin was probably just getting up to make breakfast. While looking at the clock he was not paying attention to where he put his hand and put it on his (*Squak*) He looked down to look at it. His pajama pants were drenched.He sighed knowing his nightmare had made him wet himself. 

"This is embarassing." Beastboy said to himself. " I am going to be 15 in less than six months and I am wetting myself in bed still."

He got up and shook the embarassment off. He was sure Robin would understand.But he was scared of what Robin would do. He was hit with that staff by Robin before (In a friendly way and during training.). He was scared that Robin would be in a bad mood and hit him. Beastboy sighed as his green feet was drug across the carpet. He had a heavy weight feeling on his shoulders. His dread got worse as he headed the hall. 

He crossed the hall and living room. He saw his leader and big brother figure standing mixing up something. Sounded like pancakes for breakfast.Beastboy consideredd tending to his own sheets this time. Just put all the sheets in the laundry replace them take a shower. But then one of the others would find the sheets like that. But hey it felt better than bothering Robin right ? Beastboy started to turn and go back to his room. But before anything else could happen he stepped on a creaky floor board and it made noise.

"Beastboy!" Robin didnt hesitate to talk to the goblin. "Why are you up so early?" 

"D***" BB muttered to himself. " Oh hey Robi I uh."

Within seconds Robin noticed his friend drenched in sweat and hi clothes were wet. 

" Are you okay?" Robin asked. He knew Beastboy would easily tell his friends what was wrong.

" I" Beastboy studdered before sighing and giving in. " I had another nightmare and I got very scared." He rubbed his arm. " I woke up drenched in sweat and I guess I peepeed myself in my nightmare. IM sorry." He whimpered in fear of being punished but all Robin did was bend down.

"Its alright BB"  Robin said comfortingly. " We all do that sometimes and there is no explanation. Nightmares arent real anyways."

"You guys died in the place of everyone I knew in the past.And you kept looking at me with betrayed faces.Then you hurt and said mean things to me."

"That is not ever going to happen." Robin pet Beastboys hair. " Go take a bath and Ill get the sheets changed later. Hurry along now."

Beastboy walked off and into his bedroom and grabbed his clothes. Then headed into the bathroom and started up the water. After a quick shower he felt fine. That relieved him. Now. Onto breakfast.

After breakfast Robin and Star headed to the mall.And then not to long after Cyborg left to hang out with Jinx. This was right when Raven pulled BB into the kitchen for their daily talk. He just had finished changing his sheets after that.

"So." She said as she was pouring Grape Juice. " Had a doozy of a nightmare again?" 

" What gave it away?" He asked.

" Drenched sheets.You were down this morning. You were in the shower before breakfast."

"Oh yeah." He said. "heh"

"So." She said pouring another glass of juice." Wanna talk about it?" She handed him the second glass.

He smiled accepting the glass. " Sure"

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