confession and duty calls

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The titans were just doing their regular thing. 

Star and Robin were doing the dishes and chatting.  Cyborg was in his room eating burgers and screaming random things. Raven was in her room too. She read a book while BB. still in his beast form. Was curled up beside her. She was starting to warm up to him constantly being near her and acting like she was his owner.

"Im kind of gonna miss this when your normal again." Raven said. " But I dont doubt your going to be a little cuddle monster either. Youve always ran on snuggles."

BB looked at her like he knew what she was saying about him. Like he was listening and trying to tal back but couldnt. It was hard. Usually he would be very talkitive. And liked to blab. Maybe even a bit to muh.

"But hey." She continued. " Thats what makes you special Beebs. In life everyone has a motive. Most people want revenge, wealth, success, fame. You on the other hand. You are looking for love.After so much trauma,neglect,death, and hardships. You just want love in life. Thats your motive. You dont care about money,fame, or success. You just want  people to give attention."

She pet the top of his head. He snuggled her happily.

" I thought you didnt show much affection because you had trust issues. But a few days ago I realised. You didnt show affection because you didnt trust anyone. You just knew  that they would show they showed very much affection." 

BB looked up at her. There was a small sparkle in his eyes he smiled at her to. He layed his head on her lap wagging his tail. Seems liked she guessed right. 

" I love you." She said. " And we both know we loved eachother for a long time but we felt we were not ready. I think its time we turn that around ."

She kept petting him unaware that someone was inside his mind talking back.

BB had touched that light thing. And was in his beast mind.  He could see and hear everything that was going on. And feel it. He was there but not in control.

"I Love you to mama." He said. " And Im ready when you are. I just need to gain control first."

Back in real life Rae kept petting BBs head. He wagged his tail gently. Nothing could have ruined this. But then. Just then a loud noise interupted the perfect moment. Yanking everyone out of their  concentration. Raven heard it and BB jumped. Even BB inside his mind jumped startled by the noises.





The crime alert had gone off.  Calling all the titans to the living room.  BB followed behind Raven like a lost puppy and sat next to her. He patiently watched the scene infront of him. Like he had done this before. He seemed to know what to do.

"Its Slade." Robin said.  " Hes attacking the city again." 

"Lets take him down." Cyborg said. 

"Just what I  was thinking." Robin said. 

"What about friend Beastboy? " Starfire asked. 

" He will stay here." Robin replied. " I know hes beast form would help but. Im not sure if hed be able to do it in this state."

"But." Raven tried to argue

" Not buts. " Robin responded. " I hate to do this but its for his safety. He night go beser."

And so the titans left their friend behind. BB gave a sad look at being left behind. But in a few minutes he was better. 

He curled up on the couch and shut his eyes. Awaiting the return of his friends. He wished he couldve went but hey maybe theyll bring back a prize.

A thirty minute passed. Then an hour. Then two hours. 

Maybe they stopped to get ice cream on the way back. 

Is what BB would have thought if hed still be awake. He snoozed for a long time. Who knew being a dog was so tiring. 

He woke up about four hours after they left. But something was off. He felt different. Yet so familiar.

What they all didnt know that leaving BB behind put the titans in grave danger.Yet would save their lives.

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