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About an hour after that conversation, the titans went to training. As always the training session was about two hour laters of cardio, sparrng, power testing, and meditation. A very good work out,Robin was pleased at the end of the session. Finally he let everyone go to relax for the day. It was a normal Saturday just like everyday.

After the older three teens left, the two youngests titans were left to eachother. Raven floated over to her green friend and crush whom was laying on the floor. She floated till she was right over BB. 

"Get up" She said sternly knowing this might be a issue. Doing this training after team training might not have been the best idea. But, this was the best time due to their muscles still being lmber and their powers still being a little active. 

"Cant. Im dead." Beastboy replied back not even moving."

"No your not. " She poked him. "Get up its your first day of training your beast."  

"UUUUUUGH FINE!." He grumbled sitting up. "There im up."  

" All the way idiot." She said still urging him. 

Beastboy grumbled. He stood all the way up and slouched a little. She nuddged at him making him go all the way up.

"okay" Raven stated floating in front of her friend. " The Angel of Darkness is controled by three things. Emotion,strentgh, and motive. For you your emotion when you use your power is pent up sadness and aggression. Your strentgh level is about a 9 on the list. Last but not least your motive is protect us. Your friends."

" All these years I was so scared i'd loose you guys." BB stated  "I'd loose control and kill you. You guys would drown. You guys would die in an explosion. AND IT WOULD BE ALL MY FAULT AND ID BE ALONE AGAIN "

Beastboys anxiety started acting up. Tears stung his eyes and he started shaking. His anxiety started acting up. 

" I- I" Beastboy stammered. 

Raven slapped him. Knocking him out of the panic attack. 

"Keep ahold of yourself." She exclaimed. " Emotion is  a big factor do this thing. You have to control your emotions.Now sit."

Beastboy sat on the floor like a dog. Yep he was taught to act like a dog at times to. She sat infront of him crossing her legs.

"Now. Close your eyes." Raven said as she started her meditation pose. " Clear your mind. Breathe. Let your worries leave on their ow." 

Beastboy did exactly that. He then felt like he was in a sleep maybe he accidentally fell asleep.He was in the  place again. Dark greenish empty voidish. Then, Raven appeared infront of him.

"Rae where is." Beastboy started to ask but she shushed him.

" Hush." She said." Were n your mind and before you say no longer its so empty thats not the case. Your mind is like this when your asleep or meditating."

" This s where I go when im not having nightmares. Or weird dreams."  Beastboy stated. " I just float around till its time to wake up." 

" Exactly this is your beast side." Raven spoke up. " Your powers and animal instincts come from this so does the Angel of Darkeness. You cannot control it half the time so ill teach you how. I just wanted to show you a familiar part of your mind."

"H-how" Beastboy stammered a little.

" Hey im half demon too." Raven exclaimed. " I get these all the time."

"  Are we going to be here everyday?" BB asked

"No only every so often." Raven replied. " In a few weeks were going into your dreams." 

"Uh I uh" Beastboy was trying to say something.

" Dont its okay I know your dreams are weird and sometimes scary but hey Im here to try to help. Were going to get through this together." She gave him a side hug. "lets wake up now." 

They both exited their meditaton and sat on the floor staring for a few minutes. 

"Soo" BB said. he was trying to break the scilence.

" Wanna get ice cream?" Raven asked looking to her crush and friend.

"ha was my hair mahogany before I mutated." Beastboy stood up smilng. 

"Im assuming it was." Rae said standing up. "race ya."

They raced off to the nearby ice cream parlor not even worrying about the others knowing.

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