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"Those words sound oddly familiar" That was the same sentence that lead to the two teens last one night stand. Events might repeat themselves. The boy laughs, knowing exactly what (y/n) means.

"Atsumu is my friend but i'll take you off his hands"

Suna grabs her wrist pulling her throughout the crowded halls of the house, they make it to the front seeing Stephanie and Osamu dancing.

'Call me' Stephanie mouths while holding up her phone to her ear, (y/n) nods to her friend before being pulled out the front door.

"Where are we going?"

"Depends where do you wanna fuck, my house or my car?" Y/n didn't expect that answer, but she also did.

"Both." Suna looked at the girl as if he was already plotting what he'd do with her as they walked over to his car. They got in, and didn't hesitate to drive off.

Watching him drive was so enchanting. The city lights behind the window, the smell of weed in his car, music filling the air, the way his black t-shirt grips on to his arm muscles under it.

"What are you looking at? You think i'm hot or something" He knew the answer to that question in reality he just wanted to hear her say it. "Don't flatter yourself Rin"

"I like the way you look when you're flustered" Suddenly she felt her cheeks heat up again as she turned her head to look out the window.

"You know it's crazy we saw each other here" She turns to look at him again "Why's that?"

"I had just broken up with Gianna, and some girl was giving me head but she was so bad at it, and I thought about you"

"Are you saying I give bad head?" Y/n had never had any complaints from any of her sexual encounters, so she was confused as to what he was implying.

"No, the opposite actually. I thought about the time we hooked up and I wished I was hooking up with you again, instead of whoever the fuck that girl was, because yours was the best I've had" Suna smiled just reminiscing about it, if she was the best he had months ago, then he was in for it this time. "Atsumu is a lucky bitch, rumours say that the two of you have been friends with benefits for months now"

"Pull over."


"Actually no you see that empty parking lot up ahead by Tokyo Tower, park there" The two of you side glance at one another, before smiling and laughing.


"Come" He says unbuckling his seat belt, relocating to the back seat.

(Y/n) turned to look at him sitting there waiting for her, he raised an eyebrow silently asking "you coming?". She slipped through the two seats — joining him in the back.

He glanced at her, rubbing his hand up and down his thigh once more. She looked down at his crotch to see the tent forming in his sweatpants. She gets on her knees in front of him, palming him through his clothes. "I'm gonna guess you want me to take care of this?" He simply shook his head up and down "mhm"

"Can I record you pretty girl?"

"Yeah, go for it" Y/n was definitely a 'you only live once' type girl, so she didn't mind Suna recording her. What was the worse thing that could happen? It get leaked? Everyone would know that she made the boy who walks around school with no emotion, moan like a madman. "Send it to your ex while you're at it" (Y/n) meant that sarcastically till Suna said "Bet" She saw the light from Suna's phone shine down on her, as she smiled for the camera (as she mf should).

She pulled down his sweats and boxers, leaving them around his ankles. She starts by sticking out her tongue tapping his tip on it, before spitting on it. She began sucking the tip of his cock, swirling her tongue around it, as she starts stroking slowly with both hands.

"Fuck" he whispers under his breath

Taking his entire length into her mouth, she choked as she reached the base of his shaft. His hand creeps behind her head holding it there for a few seconds, as tears roll down the sides of her face.

"Yes, baby yes" He intertwines his hand in her hair before thrusting upward, hitting the back of her throat while constantly moaning a variety of profanities.

"You're so fucking good for me" He moans throwing his head back, the warmth of her mouth wrapped around him as she chuckled onto him sending a vibration through the lower half of his body. Suna was a mess. The blush painted on his face said it all, He almost wanted to beg (y/n).

Tears stream down the girls face, saliva all over him, her lips, hands, and face. She looked up at him with lustful eyes as he looked back down at her, mouth wide, brows furrowed.

"I'm so close, don't stop" Begging was the last thing she expected from him, but who was she to deny the poor boys request.

His grunts and moans now to turn into whining as he's just aching for his release. She pulls her mouth off, sticking tongue out while stroking profusely with both hands, making eye contact with him as he closes his eyes and furrows his brows, his breath gets quicker as he groans one last time before filling her mouth.

"Hi Gianna" Shamelessly the girl waves, licking her lips as she leaves the taunting message for Suna's ex. The flash turns off as she look at Suna catching his breath after just having his soul sucked out of him.

"You're trouble y/n"

"I know" She smiles running her tongue along her teeth


"Hey, has anyone seen y/n?" Atsumu asks, now catching up with Stephanie and his brother. "She left with Rintarō, why?" Stephanie was so drunk that Osamu could barely hold her upright, normally she'd make an excuse for her best friend but she wasn't necessarily in the right state of mind. Atsumu's eyes went wide, then narrowed.

"She left with who?" Atsumu wasn't the only one talking tho, he looked behind him to see the girl who had uttered the same sentence as himself. Suna's ex-girlfriend — Gianna.

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