✰ 07

677 17 19

warnings: smut

Inarizaki had beat nekoma 2-1, the minute that the ball hit the floor, and the final point was scored the gym filled with cheers and screams. The three girls ran down from the stans to go hug, kiss, and congratulate their boyfriends, along with the rest of the team. Y/n ran into her boyfriends arms as he picked her up swinging her around, not only was Suna unhappy watching, Atsumu's fangirls weren't too happy either. After being put back down y/n looked over to Suna who had looked away to avoid eye contact with her, she suddenly ran up to him as well, giving him a hug that almost sent the two of them toppling over. He hesitantly hugged her back, placing his head on her shoulder. Butterflies had erupted in his stomach as she squeezed him joyfully. Atsumu was in his field of vision, he raised is his brows and nodded reassuringly letting him know that everything was fine. They were friends after all.

"Can we talk? I have something to ask you" Y/n nodded 'yes' as he pulled her out of the gym, away from everyone. "What's up?" They had started roaming the empty halls of their empty school.

"Do you feel anything for me?" Suna asked, looking straight ahead as they turned down a corridor. Y/n didn't have feelings for Suna, and the possibility that he had feelings for her brought out a side of her that wanted to play with fire. Or maybe just play with......his feelings.

Something she had already planned to do.

"Why do you feel something for me Rinnie?" They stopped in the middle of the hallway as she pushed him onto a door, staring at him with eyes that were just up to no good. 'That goddamn nickname' Suna thought to himself, though it was commonly used among his friends and family, the way she said it turned him on and y/n knew that. "Are you seriously pussy whipped already? Do you want me that bad?" The girl teased as she inched closer and closer.

"Is there something you wanna do to me?" Fuck her in the locker room shower, is how he wanted to answer that. But actions always speak louder than words, don't they?

How convenient that the door they were leaning was to the boy locker room.

Suna started fidgeting with the handle behind him, while his back is against the wall, but he got it open. The two of them go stumbling into the room. "Everything off, now" He demanded.

They just couldn't stay off one another.

Y/n quickly kicked her shoes off as Suna pulled his jersey off tossing it on the floor. They were soon naked, as Suna dragged the girl into an empty shower and turned the water on. The shock on their skin from the water being cold "Fuck that's cold" Suna took y/n's place under the water, pressing her back against the tile walls. He kissed her slow and sloppily as the water hitting his back warmed up, his hair quickly fell to the sides, sticking to his forehead. He wrapped his arms around the girls waist steadying her.


Her legs quickly wrapped around his waist and arms wrapped around his neck tightly as he held her by the bottom of her thighs. He went back in for a kiss moving them closer together as his dick brushed against her earning him a soft moan back from y/n. "Please, give it to me, please" Hearing her beg for him somehow reminded him, of the anger he felt ten minutes ago — seeing her with someone else. How could she possibly beg for him, while giving her love to another?

He aligned himself with her hole, gently pushing into her until she was full of him.

"Yes, thank you" She moaned out softly as he thrusted slowly and deeply into her.

"I hope you know it fucking kills seeing you with him" Grunting through his teeth, he snaps his hips into her leaking hole, causing her to moan his name loudly. She places her forehead on his as her acrylics tear at his back everytime his thrusts up. "I-I didn't think you cared that much"

Now was the worst and best time to be having this conversation.

"You don't know how jealous I get seeing you hug him and care for him, but you're so unloyal to him. Look at you right now you're practically impaled on me" His lips find her neck kissing, biting, and marking her, as water drowns the top of his head making his hair fall in his face. "What the fuck do you take me for?" She let out breathlessly onto his shoulder.

"A slut, my slut"

The amount of pleasure and emotion the two of them feel in this moment is immeasurable, him fucking deeply into her, and her tightening around him, their body heat crating more steam than the hot water from the shower. "I don't care if you're dating someone, you're fucking with me, part of you belongs to me do you understand?" Shutting her eyes closed her lower half feels as if it'll give out. "Yes I—" she moans into his ear trying to get through her words "You what?" He taunts snapping his hips into her faster.

"I belong to you"

"That's my girl"

Osamu walks into the locker room, looking for his jacket, and sees their clothes on the floor.

"What the fuck." Osamu whispers to himself. He froze, listening for noise but all he heard was the shower running, till he heard the faint sound of skin on skin. 'There's no fucking way' He thought, Osamu heard his brother calling him from outside, he simply left the locker room pretending as if he didn't see or hear anything. This is something that he chose to take to his grave for his, Y/n's, Atsumu, and Suna's sake.

y'all think it's bad now? just wait for oikawa birthday party, lawd.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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