✰ 06

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Y/n had been late for her last class, again. Walking through the empty halls to go to her math class was a little painful considering the night she had with Suna yesterday.

"WHAT THE—" Someone pulled her into an empty classroom slamming the door closed as they pushed her against it, kissing her. 

"Hey baby"

"Rin, you asshole you scared me" Dropping her bag to the floor the quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, he tapped the back of her thigh telling her to jump. He carried her, placing her on a desk as their lips didn't leave one another. Y/n had a boyfriend and she knew what she was doing was wrong, but could you blame her? After it's not like she had feelings for Suna. He unzips his uniform pants, before pulling his dick out of his boxers. 

Who knew boys could be this aroused at school?

He spat on his hand, rubbing himself as he bunched up her skirt, pulling her panties aside. "Cute shoes by the way" 

"Thank y—" Before getting to finish her sentence he inserted himself slowly, grabbing the back of her thighs for stability. Quickies weren't y/n's thing but for Suna, they were. She would have never thought about fucking at school before today. "Oh my fucking god" Suna threw his head back as he thrust into her steadily. She tried her best to moan as quietly as she could that way they wouldn't get caught, but Suna had somewhere to be meaning they had to be quick. His thrusts only got faster as time went on, as he played with her clit with his thumb.

In the boys locker room his teammates wondered where he was after all Nekoma was playing against Inarizaki today.

The boys dressed in red arrived to the school for their game. "Ugh gross" Yaku scoffed "What?" Kuroo asked as they walked along the campus, Yaku pointed to a window in which they could see two students having sex in an empty classroom. "That's fucking nasty" Kenma added, looking up from his switch to stare at the lewd scene. As their group went to continue walking Kuroo stopped, at the fact he noticed something. "Kenma" The blonde didn't stop walking "What Kuroo? stop watching you perv"

"Kenma who do we know that wears Jordans with their school uniform?"

Kenma stopped walking. His eyes widen at the possibility. "Kuroo you're seeing things" "Kenma no I'm not come look again" Kenma scurried back to the window, his mouth dropped at who he saw. "Holy shit it's y/n" Kuroo pulled his phone out of his pocket, snapping a picture of Suna and y/n's public indecency.

"Why the hell are you taking a picture" Kuroo slipped his phone back into his pocket, as the two of them begin walking again — trailing behind their team.

"Because y/n's dating Atsumu Miya, and that sure as hell isn't Atsumu" The smirk on his face lowkey scared Kenma, cats are sly creatures after all and Nekoma's captain was nothing short of sly.


Y/n, and Stephanie stayed after school to watch their boyfriends game as Kiyoko joined them. They all went to go stand with the team before the game starts. Osamu, Atsumu, and Kita hugged their girlfriends thankful for them being there.

As the captains shake hands Kuroo glances over at y/n, greeting her.



The tension was thick, clearly these two have a past one that everyone was dying to know about. "Is it just me or do they know each other" Atsumu whispers "She used to go to Nekoma dumbass" Osamu replied, elbowing his brother in the arm. "Yea I have no idea what's going on with them but he keeps looking at me too" Suna says. Atsumu, Osamu and Suna's interest were all peaked as they now want to know, what the hell is going on.

"Hi Suna" Atsumu and Osamu quickly whipped their heads around staring at their middle blocker.

"I don't fucking know him" Suna turns to look at the nosy twins. Y/n pushed Kuroo out of the way to walk her boyfriend before his game, she honestly wanted to avoid her ex at all costs. The rest of their team mates watched as Osamu, Kita, and Atsumu got 'pep talks' from their girlfriends.

"Atsumu" The girl grabbed the setter by the shoulders "Kick ass, you hear me?" He nodded, Atsumu hugged his girlfriend, bringing her off the floor as she pecked him on the cheek. Aran turned to look at Suna to see him eyeing the happy couple with disgust. "You okay Suna?" Suna eyed him with anger as if his blood was internally boiling. In the short time he had been hooking up with y/n he had grown feelings for the girl. He tried to ignore them as much as possible, but seeing him with her, the one girl he wanted with one of his friends made him angry. She hugged him as if they didn't hook up 15 minutes ago, as if she wasn't completely unloyal to him. There was no way what they were doing meant nothing to her, right? After all there was a lot on the line.

"Yea I'm fine" He sighed not turning to even look at Aran. The team regrouped ready to get on the court "Wait guys" Y/n said, they all turned back. 

"Y'all see Kenma, the blondie" She pointed on the other side of the net as they all turned to look at who she was talking about. "Yea what about him" Kita asked

"Wear him out, the one thing y'all have that he doesn't is stamina" They all turned to look at one another smirking and smiling now that they had the upper hand in this game. As they walked on the court, Osamu high-fived his brother.

"Let's rock this bitch"

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