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(Y/n)'s eyes widened as she stared at her phone screen, she snickered eyeing Stephanie then back to her phone "Bitch what is so funny" looking down at her best friends phone she's in awe of what she saw.

"Y/n L/n" (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh at her friends reaction to Suna sending his ex their 'tape'

(This is Suna and Gianna's conversation)

ex hoe

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i heard you needed some
new masterbation material

you're really fucked up yk that
all you did was hook up with a slut

my slut* 🙃

"She's so mad" Stephanie replied giving y/n her phone back


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she's so mad lol

not my fault i give good head

speaking of you've been on my mind

all nightttt

oh, yea?

holy fuck even the way you text is hot


anyway am i seeing you later?
I heard the teams hanging out
plus kita is bringing kiyoko

yea i'll see you later

dress slutty

fuck you

maybe, we'll see how i feel


"Did you guys fuck yesterday?" Stephanie asked "No we didn't, plus I think Atsumu's gonna ask me to date him soon" Stephanie quickly whipped her head around "Are you serious?" She exclaims jumping on her best friend they both roll off the bed and onto the floor. "Yea, you know I don't like being tied down but I think I'm ready now" A blush arose on her face as she smiled thinking about the blonde. "That's cute and all but lets get ready to go to this thing at Kita's I heard there's peach vodka so now I want to go"


Everyone was at Kita's house to chill after the crazy weekend, by their definition of 'chill' meaning drink, watch movies and play games on a Sunday. Kita was cuddling with kiyoko, Stephanie was sitting with Osamu, Aran was talking to Ginjima, Y/n was sitting in Atsumu's lap as her and Suna played footsies, sitting across from one another before Atsumu got jealous "Stop that".

"Guys, lets play Truth or Dare" Kiyoko said. Everybody gathered round on the couch all the 'couples' sat together as the game started. "Okay who starts?' Asked Stephanie "I'll go—" Kita begins

"Suna, Truth or Dare?" Suna didn't want to start off the game crazy, in fact he didn't even think he'd get picked "Truth"

"Who would you makeout with in this room?" Suna's eyes roamed the room as everyone waited for his answer, "Boy or girl?" 80%of the rooms eyed widened not thinking that would be the first thing that'd come to mind. "Both" Kita replied adding even more to the question "Osamu, and y/n"

"I'd watch that" Stephanie chimed in, every started to laugh at her remark as it was now Suna's turn. "Atsumu, Truth or Dare?" The two foxes locked eyes as Atsumu thought about his answer carefully. "Dare" Wrong choice. "Makeout with y/n for a minute, then let her come sit in my lap for the rest of the game" Suna just wanted to see her in action whether it was with him or her current 'fling', just thought of her kissing someone else made his dick get hard luckily he had a blanket covering his lower body hiding his arousal. "Y/n c'mere" Atsumu patted down his lap.

"Someone set a timer" Said Osamu knowing they'd spiral out of control if there wasn't one, Aran pulled out his phone setting the timer for one minute. She sat on his lap, holding the sides of his face as she softly placed her lips on his, pulling back for a sliver of a second, as the two of them collide again as their eyes shut closed. He made no hesitation when kissing her back. His mouth explored hers, and their hands roam. Atsumu's hands gripped her waist so hard to the point where she could feel his hands being incinerated into her skin, her arms wrapped around his neck gripping the back of his hair — pulling him even closer, in which she earned a soft moan from him in response. (Y/n) thought that she might pull away to catch her breath before the boys tongue slipped between her lips as they smiled onto each other which gained the attention of everyone. They were putting on a show. Which Suna was now fully hard watching, Osamu was disgusted meanwhile his girlfriend was shocked while watching. "Ouuuuuuuu" All of them said in sync as if someone had just gotten called down to the principals office.

"Time" Aran called, which didn't get them to stop "He said time you nasty bitches" Osamu yelled. They part lips staring back at one another, as she got off of his lap now walking over to Suna. He lifted the blanket to make space for her as she sat in-between his legs, covering both of their lower bodies. Y/n felt Suna's hand on her thigh, she turned her head to look at him silently asking "what are you doing"

"Shhh" Suna whispered in her ear as his hand crept along the waistline of her sweats "Atsumu it's your turn" Aran spoke, y/n quickly drowned out the noise as she felt Suna's hands pull her panties to the side. "Rin" She whispered through her teeth, her mouth quickly closed when he started to rub her clit in small circles. She jerked back into him, she placed her palm on the lower half of her face muffling any sound that dared to come out of her mouth. Her eyes turned to her best friend across the room sitting in the lap of her boyfriend, she looked back at y/n quickly noticing something was going on. Y/n diverted her eyes to the side, rolling them to the back of her head as Suna locked eyes with Stephanie. Her eyes widened when she had made out what was happening.

"You're evil" She mouthed to the boy across the room he simply raised his brows and shrugged smiling. Y/n bit her sweater on the other side of her hand to keep her composure.

"Good girl, stay quiet" At this point in the game Osamu was drunk after being dared to take seven shots from his brother, Kita had confessed his mommy kink, Aran and Ginjima were recording it all completely disregarding their schools motto. Suna's fingers began to move faster. She began to squirm in the seat of his lap, she was about to release all over him. "Y/n Truth or Dare?" Kiyoko asked, shit. "U-um truth" Suna couldn't help but smile at how cute she sounded stammering on her words "What's your worst trait?" Thank god she gave her an easy one. "I'm manipulative, I also use my popularity t-to my advantage..... but I think that's a guilty pleasure of everyone in this room" Everyone in the room mutually agreed, after all they were the most known group of teens at Inarizaki — for various reasons, some good, some not. Y/n had picked Kita, he chose dare "I dare you to shuffle your sex playlist on the speaker" She was a smart girl and she knew the music would distract everyone, and make it so no one would hear her.

"I'm coming" She whimpered to the boy behind her as she drooled all over the palm of her sweater. her legs begin to shake under the blanket as she releases all over his fingers. Y/n dropped her head as she caught her breath. Suna ran his fingers along her folds collecting her slick on his fingers, as he locked eyes with her best friend across the room once more sucking his fingers, winking at her.

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