✰ 04

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"Stephanie what class do you have today?" She questions greeting her best friend in the courtyard of their school.

"I have math—" She sighs in what sounds like exhaustion from having drank the night before

"But that doesn't matter what the hell happened at Kita's yesterday?"

"Ugh I have art, and—" Stephanie's eyes go wide indicating to y/n that it'd be best if she didn't finish her sentence. She feels a pair of hands creep around her lower stomach.

"I have art too" He whispers in her ear, his breath lightly tickling her skin, she looks back to see who's behind her, no one other than her 'best friend' — Atsumu Miya.

"Well good morning to you to" She smiles, placing her hands on top of his

"Tsumu stop being so handsy with her, everyone is staring you" Osamu covers his mouth laughing, gesturing with his eyes to the crowd of people.

She looks among the crowds of students to find Suna, and a bunch of other people staring at Atsumu and herself, more specifically Atsumu. If looks could kill the two of them would instantly be obliterated. Suna's eyes said the words his mouth didn't need to say. She looks behind to see if Atsumu had initiated eye contact with the crowd of people staring like she had, he did. Instead of returning a small glance like a normal person he smirked, while placing his chin on the top of her head as if he was laughing in everyone's face while saying "you can't have her".

"Atsumu don't do that" Stephanie laughs while watching what's happening. Her face slightly flushes red from fear, embarrassment, arousal, and laughter. Suna's eyes meet y/n's before gesturing for me to come over to him, before they have to go to class.

"Tsumu I'll see you in class, 'Samu, and Stephanie I'll see you guys at lunch. Let me go say hi" She rolls her eyes smiling at Atsumu as she walks away from her group.

"Bro are ya trying to get yourself killed?" Osamu laughs hitting the shoulder of his brother.

"Nope i'm just-"

"Madly in love with her?" Osamu interrupts his brother's sentence knowing exactly how to end it. Atsumu's face flushed red as he tried to deny his brothers statement

"What are you talking about?! No. I'm not. Fuck off 'Samu"

"Atsumu oh my god admit it" Stephanie exclaims

"You like her"

"No babe, he's INLOVE with her" Osamu correct his girlfriend putting emphasis on the vocal point of the discovery

"AM NOT" Atsumu buts in

"ARE TOO" Osamu answers back as they fight like kids

"Shut the hell up"

"Look down" Osamu points at his brothers chest


"Pull it out of your shirt dumbass" Osamu replied

Atsumu then proceeded to pull a necklace out of his shirt with an *insert your initial* on it, which came to a surprise as stephanie had never seen it.

"TSUMU- WHEN DID YOU GET THAT" Stephanie yells in excitement

"She got it for my birthday this year..." Atsumu mumbles under his hand as he tries to hide the red flush on his face

"And that's not all" Osamu directs a sly look over to his brother

"THERES MORE?" Says stephanie

"y/n's charm bracelet has an "A" on it" At this point Stephanie and Atsumu's jaws had hit the floor, as she had never noticed any of these things before and he didn't know that his brother had known about this.

𝐁𝐄𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐄 ➜ R. SUNAWhere stories live. Discover now