Chapter 2 - Adalia Alexus

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"Miss, please wake up." Albedo gently shook the woman's shoulder.

"Five more....minutes..."

The alchemist decided, by the way she didn't mind eating half of his remaining rations yesterday, that she could be bribed with food.

"Such a shame, and I was hoping to treat you to lunch once we reached Mondstadt."

She turned towards him from the cot on the ground, blinking away the drowsiness in her eyes.


He stood there, stunned into silence for a minute. The woman, now that he had gotten a better look, was an ethereal beauty with long, golden blonde hair. While her appearance was disheveled, it didn't change the dainty mannerisms she carried even as she woke.

Grabbing her staff beside her, she stumbled as she stood, facing the alchemist for further direction.

"Shall we get going?"

Albedo snapped out of his daze.

"...Yes, follow me."

As the two trekked down the mountain, they encountered the two camps stationed near the broken down bridge that they needed to cross. The closer, and larger, camp was filled with agents sent by the Fatui, and the smaller one only had a couple of treasure hoarders. While they could've simply slipped pass both, the cold would affect the blonde stranger Albedo took charge of.

She seemed weak and frail to him, with her small size and shaking figure.

"Miss, I must ask that you st-"

She wasn't behind him anymore.

"Walk away, brat. Didn't anyone tell you not to bother treasure hoarders?"

"I was hoping I could stand by the fire for just a few seconds. The cold is freezing off my toes"

"Unless you got something worth anything, you can scram."

Albedo snaps his head towards the blonde stranger, eyes widening a fraction.

'How did she get there so quickly?'

She sighs. "I was hoping I could settle this peacefully."

"What a laugh!" The treasure hoarder hollered. "A little girl like you taking on two men? Without a vision at that."

"You should leave before you regr-"

The skinny one didn't get to finish his sentence before he was violently smacked on the head. She used her staff, swinging it like a claymore user would, and swung the next attack at the taller of the two. Unprepared for his companion to suddenly be knocked out, he too was hit by the blunt weapon.

Without missing a beat, she brought the other end of her staff down onto the man's stomach. "That should do it."

Albedo had witnessed the stranger he took in knock out two people within a few seconds.

It was then he decided that he would research her whenever he had free time.

"Mister! I have warmed myself now, let's go."

"...As you say, Miss."

He reminded himself that she didn't own a vision either and then shivers crawled up his spine.

Soon, the snowy terrain turned into rolling hills of grass, the change in scenery immediate. The woman glanced around, hoping there was anything similar to her home, only to be disappointed. It seemed like returning wasn't an option now.

"By the way, what is your name?" Albedo asks.

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet, have I?"

The alchemist shakes his head.

The girl falls into a curtsy, one hand holding out the skirt of her dress, the light waves of her hair falling over with the tilt of her head.

"I am known as Adalia Alexus, but many refer to me as Scheherazade."

"That' interesting name."

"Well, Lady Scheherazade really did exist at one point," Adalia straightened her back. "I simply just look similar to her."

He held a hand to his chin, deep in thought.

"What part of you is different from this....Scheherazade?"

"I am an older version of her, any younger and I would be the perfect copy."

Her gaze grew cold as she clenched her fist, the ever-permanent smile still etched on her lips.

"In fact, some cretins decided to use me to replace her."

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