Special - Memoir of a Young Girl

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It was sunny the first time I laid my eyes upon the Magi. The sun bore down with sweltering heat, even I had started to perspire after seconds of being outside.

But she rode atop the chariot as perfect as she came out.

Dignified and beautiful, a woman all girls dreamed of being. While most had darkened skin from labor, she remained pale as if she hadn't come out every day to help the citizens. Everyone loved her for it, for every single thing she did.

They would call out, "Scheherazade-sama! Scheherazade-sama!" with such vigor and excitement, offering her whatever they had on hand, paying tribute to her as if she were a god.

I did such a thing too.

I had saved up money for months to repay her for healing my mother, but the crowd was large and I didn't seem to be getting any closer, not even within arms length. So I waited at the back for the people to disperse or for Scheherazade to move away. It took hours for that, and the heat only made waiting so much worse.

'Was it worth it?' I thought. 'She receives gifts every day, why would she remember mine...'

It was then I saw her sneak away as her guards, who seemed to be appointed by the Alexus family by the crest they wore, pushed back the growing amount of admirers.

I chased her, as quickly as I could with my little feet.

But what I saw was not the revered Magi who sat on a golden chariot.

It was her face, tears creating angry red marks on that perfect skin and teeth biting into her bottom lip.

"I am not Scheherazade, why does everybody keep saying that."

She crouched down, hugging her legs and screaming into her knees.

"I didn't want to be a Magi. I didn't choose to look like her."

The great Magi, one who was envied and worshipped all the same, was crying out of frustration like a little girl.

"I just want to be normal."

With that sentence, I left her alone in the dark alley. She was a mess. Long golden hair dirtied from the ground and white dress tainted by the muddied water, but she didn't seem so unrealistic now.

I went home quickly, handing the present for "Scheherazade" to my mother. She asked me what the occasion was, with me saying that it was just a small surprise and running out the door to help with selling our goods.

I figured "Scheherazade" didn't need another one of those presents, ones gifted to her out of reverence instead of affection.

Such was the day I discovered the Magi was just a normal girl.

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